Who am I?

About my career of powerlifting and others

  1. My career of Powerlifting
    I started weight-training after entering Tohoku-Univ. in Sendai-city . From then, I keep training for about 12 years. First, I apeared bodybuilding contest. I became powerlifter after graduating the Univ. because I have a little time for training. I think powerlifting is a best training to make big muscle by short-time workout.

  2. My best record
    My class is 100 kg. My best record is written below. I made them at powerlifting contest of Tokyo on Octorber,1999. (The photo is displayed below.)

    SQUAT : 230.0 kg
    BENCHPRESS : 170.0 kg
    DEADLIFT : 230.0 kg
    TOTAL : 630.0 kg

  3. My Target
    My target is to lift over 680 kg (total) in 2000 and to appear All Japan Contest until 40 years old.(This may be my dream)