March 30, 2002

    The ship departed from Seychelles at 6am still in the faint morning light. As always, the tops of the mountains were covered with clouds. Houses still had lights on. Smaller islands on the calm sea were tranquil and beautiful. The ship cruised along buoys with blue and red lights into the open sea. Now began a four day trip to South Africa. As the ship reached the open sea, the big swell of the ocean began to roll and pitch the ship and it continued all the day. As the ship sailed south south west, the swell came continually from east south east almost perpendicularly to the ship. Not a few people got sick and stayed in the bed. Sue was fortunately not sick but not so vigorous as usual.

    The Captain Alfredo Romeo made a lecture about the art of navigation. He talked about ancient wisdom and more modern techniques of finding locations on the sea, but he said that advent of GPS put the art of navigation "finito" and that GPS and associated automatic navigation equipment changed the role of navigation officers. Officers must be now more administrators to maximize satisfaction of passengers and to conform to ever increasing regulations. But watching for small boats in the course, and navigation to dock the ship in the pier were still important jobs for navigation officers.

    It was an "Informal" evening. We dined with Katie and Joan again, and two handsome entertainers, John Barron and Lynsay Tennent. Both were from England. Sue ate booiled noodle and Shig ate soul.


 イタリア人のAlfredo Romeo船長が今日は航海術について講演した。雄弁の人というよりは実行の人のようだった。海上での位置を知る古代の知恵や近代の技術について語ったが、GPSが出現してから全てが変わったと言った。航海術は"finito"となり、GPSおよび関連自動航海機器によって航海士の役目が変わり、乗客の満足度を最大化し、増加し続ける規制に違反しないようにする管理者としての役が大きくなったという。しかしそれでも航路上の小さなボートを見張ったり、埠頭に接岸するのは航海士の大切な役割だとのこと。

 "Informal"の夕べで、再び英語の先生同士のKatie & Joanと一緒になり、また新たにカッコいい二人のEntertainerと一緒のテーブルで食事した。歌手のJohn BarronとダンサーのLynsay TennentはともにEnglandの出身ということだった。スミヱは煮付けた麺を、重悳は舌平目を食べた。

March 31, 2002

    The swell from south east causing pitching and rolling of the ship persisted during the night and in the morning. When Shig came downstairs, a big chocolate cake was decorated in front of the reception desk. When Shig asked the night-duty receptionist Caroline what it was, she said it was Easter today. Later everyone said "Happy Easter !" each other. After the maid cleaned our room in the morning, there was on the table an egg-shaped chocolate rabit elaborately worked.

    The bow of the ship created waves, and the tips of the waves were blown up by strong wind to make a mist. The mist made a rainbow at the bow. The mist blown up by the wind came as high as our cabin and wetted the glass panes and the floor of our balcony. Around noon, when the ship came to west of Madagascar, the swell changed. At first, the swell shrank and came from north north east, then it disappeared. Apparently we saw the swell refracted by the northern-most cape of Madagascar. The ship began to cruise smoothly again. Our balcony floor was dried quickly.

    This evening, the dress code was "Formal". Sue wore a black long skirt, a pink silk jacket and a massive coral necklace. A cameraman of the photoshop waited at the entrance of the restaurant trying to take every couple's picture for sales later. We were seated together with Ed & Peggy for the firts time in a dinner, and Fred & Judy for the second time. Both Shig and Sue took fish.

 南東からのうねりと船の揺れは夜から午前中続いた。重悳が6階に下りると受付の前に大きなチョコレートケーキが飾ってあったので、何かと受付夜勤のCarolineに聞いたら、今日はEasterですと言われた。よく見るとケーキには各国語でHappy Easterと書いたチョコレート板が添えてあったが、日本語は勿論無かった。乗務員特にOfficer以外は、SwedenとかPhilippinesとか各国から来ているから、皆で知っている言語を書き並べたに違いない。後で皆が"Happy Easter !"と挨拶を交わした。午前中の部屋の掃除が終わって部屋に戻ってみると、テーブルの上に卵型のチョコレートのウサギが居た。念入りによく出来たウサギだった。


 今晩は"Formal"で、スミヱは黒いロングスカート、ピンクの絹のジャケット、Arizona Four CornersでIndianから買った量感のある珊瑚のネックレスで決めた。レストランの入口で写真屋のカメラマンが待ち構えていて、拒否した人を除く全員の写真をとって売り上げを狙った。テーブルで一緒になったのは、夕食では初めてのEd & Peggy、2度目のFred & Judyだった。重悳もスミヱも魚を食べた。

April 1, 2002

    It was raining heavily in the morning. It was a little strange first experience to have rain in the midst of the ocean among the 360 degree horizon. The ship continued to cruise south west in the west side of Madagascar. We were to call a port of Madagascar yesterday, but the political turmoil there alerted the cruise company and the call was cancelled. As a result, 4.5 days of cruise were to continue from Seychelles to South Africa, and today was the 3rd day.

    A relatively calmer cruise continued since yesterday's noon until noon today, but then the swell came again and the ship began to pitch quite violently in the afternoon. In fact, we met the most violent pitch in this cruise. But we two were all right fortunately.

    The ship continued to sail towards south west, and the swell came from south south west. Remembering the south east swell yesterday morning, we reasoned that this south south west swell was a refracted swell at the southern tip of Madagascar, and that the ship would be shaked more violently by the direct south east swell when the ship would leave Madagascar.

    Shig stood at different points on the ship and studied pitching. It seemed that the rotation moment center of the ship was around the point one floor above the sea level and 1/3 from the stern. When Shig stood at the restaurant near that center point, the floor indeed tilted but no up-down movement was felt. When Shig stood at exactly above the center on the deck, 6 floors above, small pitching was felt, but up-down movement was stronger towards the bow or the stern, in proportion to the distance from the center. Our room was located 1/4 from the bow on the deck level, and was found near the point of the most violent pitching. Shig was afraid that the whisky bottles on the bar shelf above the desk might fall down and fixed them by stuffing something.

    The lunch was prepared by the main restaurant as Easter buffet with many Easter decorations. We got together with Ambassador & Mrs. Alan Nazareth at a table, who were on board for a lecture series. They were quite interested in Japan and we in India, and we talked and talked until everyone was gone and the buffet was closed.

    In this "Casual" day, we dined with Joe & June again, and Ron & Vi again. Both Shig and Sue took sculop and glass noodle.





 昼食は主レストランがEaster buffetを用意した。Easterの飾りつけをふんだんに置いたバイキングだ。食卓では一連の講演のために乗船しているAmbassador & Mrs. Alan Nazarethと一緒になった。新婚旅行が日本だったという先方は日本の政治経済に興味があり、こちらはインドに興味があって話しがはずみ、誰もいなくなってBuffetの片付けが始まるまで話し込んだ。

 ”Casual"の日だった。一緒になったのは再びJoe & June、再びRon & Viだった。重悳もスミヱも貝柱とハルサメを食べた。

'02/ 4/ 1 クルーズの誤解    クルーズで1ヶ月過ごし色々誤解があったことが分かった。

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