November 22

At Sea

Note that the left half is in Japanese English and the right half is in genuine Japanese.

One more turbulent day on Tasman Sea towards New Zealand. Watching waves and swell through the window, however, I was impressed that the ship swayed much less than it should on this turbulent sea. The posture control of the ship by the stabilizer is really good. Nevertheless, sway of the ship is annoying and we used pills.

We spent time in reading, making the photo album in order, writing travel logs, and writing important emails. In addition, we attended in a destination lecture.

In the dinner, we met again the couple of former New York Exchange executive now from Palm Beach, FA, and newly an intelligent couple from Hershey, Pennsilvania. We learnt that Hershey was a person name, who erected a chocolate company, a city schools, and a university, all under his name.

The evening show was by a black vocalist.

  New Zealandに向かって荒れるTasman Seaを行く2日間の2日目だ。窓の外をみると、かなり大きい波とウネリがあって、それに比べると船の揺れが少ないことに感心する。船の両側に水平に付いている舵のようなStabilizerを上下に傾け揺れを抑える姿勢制御がうまく働いている訳だ。それにしても船はよく揺れる。酔い止めの錠剤を用いた。Sueは先日1人前を呑んで多すぎて病気のようになってしまったので、昨日は1/4人前、今日は1/6人前、それで丁度良いようだ。原始人には薬は効きすぎる。

New Zealandの講義を聞いた他は、読書し、PC上の写真アルバムを整理し、旅行記を書き加え、重要な幾つかのemailを書いた。

夕食で数日前に会ったNew York証券取引所元幹部でPalm Beachに引退しているご夫婦と再度ご一緒になり、夫婦ともSueをほめた。もう1組は元AMPの幹部の夫妻で頭の良い美人の奥さんだった。Pennsilvania州Hersheyから来たと言われてピンと来なかったが、Chocolate王のHershey氏の名が会社の名、市の名、学校/大学の名になっていると。

November 23


I got up when outside was still dark. While I was using the laundry machine, the ship reached the entrance to Milford Sound. I observed the scenery while awakening Sue. It rained and the clouds covered tops of the mountains, but we could see beautiful water falls. Some falls didn't reach the sea level, because the wind blew the water off into the air.

Around noon, the ship entered into Thompson Sound, which connected to Doubtful Sound, which was named by Captain Cook because strong wind made him doubtful whether the ship could come back again once it came into the sound. Our ship cruised through the sounds to come back to the open sea.

Around 3pm, the ship came into another Dusky Sound, also named by Captain Cook because it was dusk when he came here. We noticed differences between Milford Sound and all other sounds we visited. All others were pass-through sounds with broader channel and scattered small islands. They reminded me of the seashore of Izu Peninsula. Milford Sound looked, on the other hand, very unique with a very narrow inlet with very steep rock walls on both sides.

Fortunately, I saw a seal on a rock of a small island.

In the evening, Thanks Giving Dinner was held with Captain Romeo and Hotel Director Wartenberg. Guests with longer stay in this cruise were invited, and we were among them.

暗いうちに早起きして洗濯機を回した。そのうちに明るくなり船はMilford Sound(Sound=入江)の入口に達した。Pilotが小船で乗り込んできて船はSoundに入る。生憎の雨で、雲が山頂を隠しているが、滝は美しく見えた。風が強く、滝が海面に達する前に水が吹き飛ばされて霧になってしまう滝も幾つかあった。Soundの一番奥で船は一回転して出て来た。Pod式エンジンの良い所で、普通だとTug Boatを連れて来ないと回れない。

正午頃船はThompson Soundに入った。通り抜けてDoubtful Soundに入りそれも通り抜けた。Cook船長が強い西風に遭い、この入江に入ったら出てこられるかどうか判らないと思ったので命名されたと。

3pm頃Dusky Soundに入って通り抜けた。Cook船長が通りかかった時に夕方で薄暗かったことによる命名だとか。Cook船長も沢山命名しなければならなかったから命名に苦労したことが判る。



夕方はRomeo船長、Wartenberg Hotel Directorなど主要幹部が出席したThanks Giving Dinnerがあり、今回のCuiseで長く乗る人ということで我々も招待された。

November 24


Dunedin is the second largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, with its population of 120k, of which 30k are related with the University. However, we went away from the city and explored Taiaroa Head of Otago Peninsula for wildlives. First we got on a boat to approach the inside and the tip of the Head to see shags, seals, penguins etc. Albatrosses and black swans were the highlights.

Then we visited by a coach the outside of the Peninsula. There we got on a eight-wheeled strange buggy to drive on a wild dirt road down to the seashore. We saw there fur seals and nests of Blue Penguins.

We took lunch in a restaurant "Glenfalloch Woodland Garden" surrounded by very beautiful gardens with many flowers.

Then we visited an old Scotish-styled mansion called Larbach Castle on top of a hill. We drove through the city of Dunedin back to the ship.

DunedinはNew Zealand南島第2の都市で、12万人中3万人が大学人口という街だ。深い湾の奥に築かれている。しかしMarinerは水深の関係でそんなに深くは入っていけず、途中のPort Chalmersという港町に接岸した。埠頭には材木とチップが積んであって客船が留まるような港には見えなかった。

我々は昔トロール漁船だったという観光船にのって、湾内を再び外海近くまで出て、Otago半島先端のTaiaroa Headの内側と先端の動物観察をした。鵜、アザラシ、ペンギンが居た。ハイライトは黒鳥とアホウドリだった。

バスに乗り換えてOtago半島の外側に行き、8輪の自動車で泥道の急坂を海岸まで下った。Fur Sealが居た。少し移動してペンギンが多数巣を作っている所に行った。近くにある巣を覗いたりしているうちに、海から1匹戻ってきた。白い砂の上に足跡を残しながらトボトボと坂を登って行った。

昼食は石楠花の大木を初め花々が美しいレストランでとり、花の中を散歩した。ピンクのタカトウグサが珍しかった。それから丘の上のScotland風邸宅Larnach Castleを訪れた。バスはDunedin市内を回って船に戻った。

November 25


The ship came alongside the pier of Lyttelton, 30 minutes away from Christchurch.

We took a half day bus tour in the morning. The bus drove along the cove and then along a river to a farm called "Manderley". We spent there leisurely for 1.5 hour, by watching dogs collect sheep, cutting sheep's fur, and for home-made cakes and tea, etc.

The bus drove into Christchurch and we were given half an hour to walk around, but it was too short for anything.

In the afternoon, we set out again for a suburb of Christchurch. Riccarton House is a mansion in a vast garden built by a scottish gentleman named John Deans in mid-19th century. Seats under a big tent were prepared for us, and we were served there with drinks and Maori songs and dances.

Around 10:30pm, we saw Southern Cross. From our window, stars could be seen and I thought Southern Cross must be seen from the top deck. When I climbed up to the roof deck, a couple in the hall asked me whether I knew stars. I said I came up to see Southern Cross. They were delighted to follow me. Once we came outside, Southern Cross was just in front of us without any doubt. I came back to the cabin to bring back Sue together. She had finished bath and was ready to go to bed, but she dressed up again to see Southern Cross. It was beautiful.




午後はChristchurch郊外のRiccarton Houseで行われたRegent Cruises主催のTea Partyに参加した。Maoriの歌とダンスを見て、広い庭を散歩し、19世紀半ばにここに小さな開拓小屋を建てたScottishのMr. John Deans がその後立て直した大邸宅を見た。


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