January 31

Puerto Montt

     Although Puerto Montt is the district capital, it looked like a rural city. We drove by a bus around beautiful lake, called Lago Llanquihue, and saw snow-clad volcanos and Andes far away.

    Today's activity was "Canopy adventure". "Canopy" means the top of trees. So Shig thought it must be an adventure to see trees, flowers, birds etc. from tree tops. Isn't it interesting ? But it was not a such adventure. It was the tightrope gliding sports over 2.2 km divided into 13 spans.

    Shig enjoyed himself. But Sue didn't. Sue got a stiff shoulder. She must have used unnecessary mustles.

    Later we did shopping at Puerto Varas. We found everything cheap, probably because of cheap Pesos.

Puerto MonttはPatagonia入口の港町で、この地方の首都だが田舎町に見えた。バスでChileで3番目に大きいというLlanquihue湖を回った。雪山の火山が2つ3つ見え、その向こうに遠くAndesの雪山が見えた。

今日の予定は「Canopy adventure」だった。Canopyは樹冠だから森の見晴台のような所で動植物や草木を観察するのであろうと。ところがそうではなかった。山の上までトラクタで登り、木に張られたロープに滑車でぶら下がり、標高差百米の13スパン2.2kmを勢いよく下るというスポーツだった。深い谷を渡るスパンもあった。


昼食の後、Puerto Varasという湖に面した町でShoppingをした。多分Pesoが弱いのだろうが、全てが安かった。

February 1

Puerto Chacabuco

    South Chile consists of inumerable islands created by glaciers in the ice age. The ship cruised through these islands and reached Puerto Chacabuco, a very rural village and a salmon port. It was raining and the announcement in the ship said "Be careful. Chile is chilly."

    A bus took us to a natural park, which was just a single foot path along a river in the forest. We walked for 2 km in 2 hours often stopping to listen to explanation. But it was very uncomfortable with rain and chilly wind.

    Then we were treated with a late lunch, which was big enough for us to skip dinner.

Chile南部は氷河時代の氷河が削った多島海だ。島の間を船は進み、Puerto Chacabucoに到着した。サケが主要産業だという。そう言えば日本のスーパでよくChile産サケにお目にかかる。雨が降っていて、船での放送は「Chile is chilly. ご注意」だった。



February 2

Laguna San Rafael

    The ship anchored in Laguna San Rafael. Regent hired two catamarans to invite all passengers to visit San Rafael Glacier. We set out in the afternoon. It was cold but I kept standing on the outside deck to see fjords like in Norway or South New Zealand.

San Rafael Glacier droped right into Laguna, and small and large icebergs were floating here and there. It was for the first time for us to see a glacier discharging into the sea.

As soon as we came back to the ship, a meeting to report Machu Picchu incident was held at the theater. I was glad that movie / picture show included pictures I contributed and comments I submitted.

船はChilean FjordのLaguna San rafaelに投錨した。Regentが双胴船2台を雇い船客全員をSan Rafael氷河見学に招待した。我々は午後の便とした。寒かったが私は外のDeckに立ち続け、Fjordの景色を満喫した。Norwayや南New ZealandのFjordによく似ている。

San Rafael氷河はLagunaの海水に落ち込む。そのため大小の氷山が無数に浮かんでいた。溶けて面白い造形美になっているものもある。海に落ち込む位置関係の氷河を見るのは初めてだった。

帰船するや否や、船内でMachu Picchu報告会があった。参加者が提供した映像・写真・コメントをスタフが編集したVideoがあった。私が提供した写真とコメントが採用されていて嬉しかった。

February 3

At sea

    Rough movement of the ship awoke us. The ship was sailing in the Pacific Ocean with big swells. I went to Reception Office to get pills for motion shickness. Prescription said 1 or 2 tablets. I took 1, but it was too much and I became dizzy. Sue took 1/2, but still slept again.

    In the afternoon, the ship entered again into the inland sea and the sway subsided. We cruised into a fjord called Iceberg Sound. At the end of the fjord was Iceberg Sound Glacier. Then the ship turned around and sailed back to the Pacific in late evening.

ものすごい揺れで目覚めた。船は内海を出て太平洋を南下中だった。急いでReception Officeから酔い止めの薬を貰ってきた。処方には大人は1-2錠と書いてあったのでShigは1錠飲んだが、多すぎたらしく眠くなった。Sueは「酔わないから不要」と頑張ったが酔ってしまい、1/2錠飲んだが、それでも眠ってしまった。

午後に船は再び内海に入った。Iceberg SoundというFjordの奥にあるIceberg Sound氷河を見に行った。青くて綺麗だった。船は転回して夜再び太平洋に出た。

February 4

At sea

     This was the second day of sailing south in the inland sea all the day. On our way, however, we sailed into Peel Sound fjord and saw four glaciers. It was rainy, windy and cold outside, but we took pictures.

In the evening, Mrs. Miller, who likes Sue, invited us to Prime 7 restaurant.

昨日に続いて今日も内海を一日中南下。途中Peel Soundというfjordに入り込み、4つの氷河を見学。その一つは海面に接しているため、大量の氷塊が浮遊していた。外気は寒く雨と風があったが、時々外に出て写真を撮った。

夕食にMiller夫妻が我々をPrime 7レストランに招待してくれた。

February 5

Punt Arenas

    It is somewhat strange after several days of cruising in fjords watching glaciers that the southern most city of Punta Arenas with 150 thousand population is located south of those fjords. It was a big city, which used to prosper before the Panama Canal was completed.

    We visited the civic cemetry, an out-door museum of old lives in this city attached to University of Magellan. After viewing the city from a hill top, we spent some time in Main Square with many stalls of handcrafts. Then we visited a farm to see shearing of sheep and for lunch. Finally we visited an old fort built in 1843.

    One thing we learned here with surprise was that the flower, lupinas, grew here wild.

ここ数日間Fjordの中を氷河を見ながら南下してきたので、それより南に人口15万人の大都会Punta Arenasがあるとは驚いた。Panama運河開通以前は大いに栄えたMagellan海峡の港町だ。過去の栄光と金銅鉱山で食っているらしい。


February 6


    In the morning, we cruised in a series of sounds with many glaciers. Italian Glacier was the most spectacular among them.

    In the afternoon, we arrived at Ushuaia. Ushuaia is the southern most town of 70 thousand people located in Argentina. A bus took us to a station of a 60cm railway, El Tren del Fin del Mundo = The End of the World Train, which used to be used by prisoners to come into the forest to work. The scenery outside was beautiful.

    A bus took us in Tierra del Fuego National Park, which was a natural park just to appreciate the nature.

    A catamaran took us from a inlet to the open sea for us to see cormorans and sea lions before return to the ship.

午前中は多島海のFjordの中を進んだ。氷河が多数ある。特にItalian Glacierは見事だった。幸い左側だったので、我々はCabinから眺めた。

午後にUshuaiaに到着した。Argentina最南端の7万人の町だ。背後にAndesがあり、Table Mountainの麓のCape Townを連想した。バスで駅まで行き、軌道幅60cmの「世界の果ての鉄道」El Tren del Fin del Mundo = The End of the World Trainに乗った。1920年に走り始め、囚人を森の中の作業場に運ぶのに使われたという。景色は素晴らしい。

バスでTierra del Fuego国立公園を見て回った。自然公園でありのままの自然を堪能する場所らしい。


February 7

At sea

    Until we went to bed last night, the ship was cruising smoothly, but during the night very wild sway and roll began and lasted all the day, as the ship went out into the ocean.

    Strangely, people disappeared from the public spaces in the ship. Even the Internet access is not busy. Maybe many people are in the bed.

    During the morning, strong east wind slightly tilted the ship and pushed into our cabin through the sealing of the window. Therefore, the cabin was colder in spite of air conditioning.




February 8

At sea

    The ship's intention was to take us through the Antarctic Ocean to Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands in order for us to feel the Antarctica. But unfortunately, a low pressure caused strong wind, waves and low clouds.

    We were prevented from coming closer and we could see only the distant view of the lower part, below the clouds, of the island. But there were several huge icebergs and we saw dolphins swimming along the ship.



February 9

At sea

     In place of Deception Island, the ship came to Elephant Island. Again, low clouds limited our view only below the clouds. Only from time to time, we could see peaks. But the ship came close to a spectacular iceberg and we enjoyed it very much.

    It seemed that Elephant Island was covered with glaciers and we saw the ends of glaciers all around the island.

    Someone with a good binocular was said to see whales and penguins afar, but we could not see.




February 10

At sea

    During the night, the ship stayed around Elephant Island, possibly seeking for chances of seeing the island in a better climate. Some people saw whales making a circle of bubbles to feed on krills, but we could not see them.

    In late morning, we set out for north for Folkland Islands. Fortunately wind and waves are not wild, but thick fog covered us, and the ship sailed continually soundeding the foghorn.

    Without anything to do, Shig attended three lectures today.


昼近くに船は北を目指して出発しFolkland諸島に向かった。と言っても1200kmも先だ。Drake Passageという外洋に出たが、幸い波風はそれほど強くない。しかし霧にスッポリ包まれ、船は霧笛を鳴らしながら進んだ。


February 11

At sea

     The ship cruised north all the day, without anything. Shig attended lectures.

    Shig surfed on the Web regarding Toyota's recall of Prius and grasped what happened.

    Evening show was by an English soprano shinger, Emma Sinclair. Towards the end, she sang "Don't cry for me, Argentina". It was very much moving for Shig.



夜のショーはEmma Sinclairという英人のソプラノだった。終わりに近く「Don't cry for me, Argentina」を歌ったのが感動的だった。

February 12

Folkland Islands

    In the early morning, we arrived at Port Stanley of Folkland Islands. A bus and a jeep took us to Bluff Cove Lagoon, the nesting place of innumerable penguins.

    We identified there King Penguins, Gentoo Penguins and Upland Geese. It was very windy and cold there. After taking pictures, we enjoyed BBQ before returning to the Port of Stanley.

    In the town of 2,500 people, we bought some small souvenirs. It is interesting (1) that all airline flights go to Chile and none to the nearest Argentina and (2) that Pound is used though it is Folkland Pound and (3) that cars go left.

    On both ways by tenders between the town and the ship, dolphins came along the tenders and jumped .

南極探検を挟んで6日ぶりに上陸した。Folkland諸島のStanleyの港だ。波止場からバスで西に行き、Jeepに乗り換えて海岸に出た。Bluff Cove Lagoonは無数のペンギンが巣作りをしている場所だ。

King Penguin、Gentoo Penguin、Upland Geeseが無数に居た。風が強く寒かった。さんざん写真を撮ってから一角にある施設でBBQを楽しんだ。Stanleyの町に戻った。

2,500人の小さな町だ。ここで我々は少し歩いて町の雰囲気を楽しみ、小さな買い物をした。面白いことに、(1)航空便は全てChileに行き、最寄りのArgentinaとの便はない。(2)(Folkland Poundだが)ポンドが使われている。(3)車は左側を運転する。


February 13

At sea

    Another day at sea. Since Stanley of Folkland is 800km east of Argentine coast, we cruised north west for our next port of call, Puerto Madryn. The sea was rough and the ship swayed very much.

    Shig attended three lectures on (1) Adventure journey on Congo River from the source to the mouth, (2) Argentina and (3) CIA's secret operations in Soviet Union.

    Shig also attended a painting auction, not for bidding but for learning what it was like. Competition for higher bid was not observed. The auctioneer proposed a price and withdrew if no one was interested. A painting of a famous painter, like picasso or Chagal, costed as much as $ 200k, even for a small black and white work of the size of two post cards. But not so famous painters' works, such as by Chinese painters, were sold for several hundred dollars.

We saw a beautiful sunset on the horizon and Southern Cross after dark.

今日も一日中航海の日だ。FolklandのStanleyはArgentinaの海岸から東に800kmも離れていたため、次の寄港地Puerto Madrynを目指して船は北西に進んでいる。生憎南西からの風が船室の真正面に当たり、シューシューとうるさい。海は荒れていて船はかなり揺れた。




February 14

Puerto Madryn

    Because leaving time of the shore excursion was early, we got up early while it was still dark, and Sue was able to see Southern Cross from the terrace.

    From Puerto Madryn, we drove 180 km around the bay and into the north point of Peninsula Valdes, which is a UNESCO World Heritage. At Punta Norte, we saw innumerable number of sea lions and a few elephant seals.

We came into a private farm of San Lorenzo Estancia to see Magellan Penguin nesting places. There were huge number of penguins. We had to be careful not to step over them.

We took lunch in the farm and drove back. Shig took time to walk in the town of Puerto Madryn. Even though it was Sunday, Shig was successful to buy some key chains.


Puerto Madrynの桟橋に着いて、バスで180kmドライブし、湾を回り、世界遺産Valdes半島の北端に行った。Punta Norteでは、無数のアザラシが浜に寝転がり2カ月になった子供を育てていた。ゾウアザラシの子育て期間は過ぎていたので2-3頭しか居なかった。

San Lorenzo農園という個人経営の農園に行き、その一部である浜辺に巨大な数のMagellan Penguinが居るのを見学した。踏み付けないよう注意しなければならぬほどだった。

農場でLambの昼食をとり、一路船に戻った。ShigだけはPuerto Madrynの町に繰り出し、生憎日曜でほとんどの店は閉まっていたが、幸い収集中のKey Chainをここでも買った。

February 15

At sea

    The ship cruised all day long along the east coast of Latin America, i.e. along the coast of Argentina, which looked very low and flat. Even though we are on the open sea without any protection, the sea was relatively calm and the ship sailed smoothly.

    Shig attended four lectures on; (1) Rio de Janeiro, (2) Iran, (3) History of Tango and (4) Space development. In (4), I asked a question why sapace shuttles are to be retired before any suceeding programs become ready. The lecturer said it was a good question and answered that it was because of mere politics to cut budgets.


Shigは4つの講義を聞いた。(1)Rio de Janeiro、(2)Iran、(3)Tangoの歴史、(4)宇宙開発。(4)では、後継プログラムが整わぬうちにSpace Shuttleを間もなく止めてしまうのは何故かと質問した。講師はGood questionと褒めた後に、単純に予算カットの政治的駆け引きだと答えた。

February 16


    Somehow, the ship delayed 40 minutes to dock at Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. A bus drove for 2.5 hours to a colonial city of Sacramento, a UNESCO World Heritage, settled alternatively by Spanish and Portugese settlers.

    Felt atmosphere of the town in the 16th and 17th centuries in old Spanish and Portugese houses made of rocks. In one of such house used as a gallery, Shig bought a painting of tango dancers.

    While we had lunch at one of such houses, strong rain came, but we dared to see the town after lunch.

    After another 2.5 hour drive, we saw around the city of Montevideo.





February 17

Buenos Aires (1)

    When Shig got up at 5:30am, the ship was approaching the lights of Buenos Aires and Southern Cross was still above the head as seen from our terrace. Buenos Aires is indeed a big city.

    A bus took us north to the delta islands of Rio Sarmiento which flowed into Rio de la Plata. We cruised on the waterways watching villas and houses there only accessible by boats. The minimum price of the real estates was said to be US$ 50k. Very cheap !!

    In the afternoon, a jeweler H. Stern took us to a camera shop to help me to buy a Canon Lens to replace my broken one. Then we bought a sapphire watch and a bracelet in H, Stern.

    In the evening we saw a tango show, which was wonderful.

5:30amに早起きしたら、船はBuenos Airesに近付いていて、船室のベランダから街の灯りが美しく見え、また頭上に南十字星がまだ見えた。人口40MのArgentinaで12MのBuenos Airesは東京とほぼ同じ人口だ。大きな町だ。

バスで北を目指し、Buenos Airesを洗うRio de Plata (銀の川)の上流であるRio Sarmientoのデルタ地帯に行き、川船で1時間ほど遊覧した。両岸は別荘または家屋で、舟でしか交通できない。舟のコンビニに出会った。1軒最低でもUS$50kと言われて唖然とした。安い!!

午後は宝石店H.Sternの骨折りで、壊れたCanon Lensの買い替えにガイドを付けてくれた。4ヶ国語が出来る美人なのに月給US$500で雇われていて、明日転職の面接を受けると。H.SternではSueのサファイアの腕時計と虹色のBraceletを買ったから、借りは返した。


February 18

Buenos Aires (2)

    The second day at Buenos Aires was a busy but wonderful day. We took an excursion named "Best of Buenos Aires" expecting sightseeing in the city. It was half correct and half wrong. In the morning, the bus took us around the city as we expected. Then the bus took us to Tigre which we visited yesterday but with more ample time. Any way, we enjoyed the second river cruise at Tigre. We returned to Buenos Aires by a boat, instead of a bus.

    As soon as we reached the ship, local folklore artists, which turned out to be single family singers and dancers, performed in the ship. We enjoyed Tango, Millonga, Gaucho performances etc.

    I was successful to take pictures of Southern Cross.

    In late evening, we enjoyed Broadway performances of Regent Singers and Dancers.

Buenos Aires二日目は忙しかったが充実した素晴らしい一日だった。今日はBest of Buenos Airesという観光コースを選んだ。市内をジックリ見せてくれるのだろうと思っていたが、半分正しく半分誤解だった。午前中は期待通り市内を観光し、政庁のあるPlaza de Mayo広場やEvitaの墓所などを歩いた。それから驚いたことに昨日行ったTigreの川船にまた乗ることになった。2度目は面白くないだろうと危惧したのだが、昼食を挟みより時間を掛けて見たので、それなりに面白かった。帰りはバスではなく、川船のままBuenos Airesに戻った。



夜はRegent Singers and DancersによるBroadway風のショーを楽しんだ。

February 19

Punta del Este

    We returned to Uruguay, but not to Montevideo again, but to Punta del Esta on a peninsula which defined Rio de la Plata from Atrantic. Probably, one of the only two sightseeing resources of the town are beautiful sand beaches, on which many local and visiting people were bathing.

    The other were contemporary arts museums. We visited two such museums. Ralli Museum is one of the four sister museums operated for free by a wealthy family. Others are located in Spain, Israel and Chile. There were many sculptures by Dali. But we don't like contemporary arts and we didn't enjoy much.

    The other museum was Museo de Casapueblo by picasso's friend, Carlos Paez Vilaro located on Punta Ballena = Whale. The building was interesting but we didn't like the arts, either, although some people liked them very much and bought copies of the arts.

Argentinaを離れてまたUruguayに戻った。今度は首都Montevideoではなく、より東側のPunta del Esteを訪問した。岬の上に街があり、その岬は大西洋からRio de la Plataを区切っているとされている。この街のたった2つの観光資源は、(1)地元の人や観光客が海水浴をしている美しい砂浜と、(2)二つの現代アートの美術館と思われた。

現代アート美術館の一つは、スペイン、イスラエル、チリにも姉妹館を持つRalli Museumで、富豪が無料で運営している美術館だった。Daliの彫刻が10点ほどあったのが見られたが、そもそも我々は現代アートがあまり好きではないので、楽しくはなかった。

もう一つの現代アート美術館は、Punta Ballena(鯨岬)にあるMuseo de Casapuebloだった。picassoの友人というCarlos Paez Vilaroの作品が展示されていた。色彩豊かに図案化された動植物の絵が沢山あり、好きな人は$10-$50のプリントを多数買っていたが、我々はあまり興味を持てなかった。

February 20

At sea

    We left Argentina, cruised off coast of Sao Paulo, heading for Rio de Janeiro. Fortunately, the sea was relatively calm.

    Before the noon, there was a reunion party of Machu Picchu group. We enjoyed chatting and received a DVD documenting the event.

    Shig attended two lectures; on first-hand experiences of Celtic traces in Latin America and on British struggle with and victory over IRA.

It was a formal evening. Since we missed the first one while we were stuck in Machu Picchu, it was the first formal evening for us. Sue wore Tomesode, with gold patterns on black, and was admired by passengers. It seems that only a few Japanese can speak English and wear Kimono by themselves.

Argentinaを離れ、Brazil最大の都市Sao Pauloにも寄らず沖を通過してRio de Janeiroに向かっている。

昼前にMachu Picchu組の再会パーティがあった。会話を楽しみ、一人ずつ事件を記録したDVDを受け取った。


Formalの日だった。今年からFormalは極端に少なくなった上に、Machu Picchuでつかまっていた間に第1回は済んだので、今回が我々には初めてのFormalだった。Sueは黒地に金の模様が入った留袖を着て、皆の称賛を得た。英語がしゃべれて和服が自分で着られる人は少ないに違いない。

February 21

At sea

    Cruised all day long on the calmer sea.

    Shig attended four lectures today. (1)Brazil ports of call, (2)Brazil, (3)Future of space development and (4)Adventure experiences.

    In the meantime, Shig started to compile a summary album.




February 22

Rio de Janeiro(1)

    From the dawn to early morning, the ship cruised slowly into the bay of Rio de Janeiro, allowing passsengers to watch very beautiful scenery of Rio. Corcovado, with the Christ statue, was seen very well from afar.

    A bus took us to Pao de Acucar=Sugar Loaf, for the first time for us, because its cable cars were under repair when we came last time. A few years ago, the cable cars were completely replaced. The views there were wonderful, but Shig was more satisfied by the simple fact that he stood at the summit.

    After the lunch, the bus took us to Corcovado. It was for the second time for us. We took the mountain-climbing train. In our memory of our first visit in 2002, a long stair way tired people at the top after getting off the train. This time, however, we saw elevator and escalators completed in 2003 in parallel with the stair way. The views at the top was, of course, marvelous.

In late evening, we set out to see Samba Show in a theater called "Plataforma". Female dancers were huge, taller than 190cm with high heels, some of whom were good looking. But I didn't necessarily like their dances. In the middle of the show, a man came on stage and enumerated names of countries. Shig hailed when he said "Japan". Then the music of "Ue wo muite aruko" started and the man on the stage invited Shig onto the stage. Shig sang it on the stage.  Shig jumped up onto and down from the chest-high stage, and it surprised fellow ship passengers.

夜明け早々から早朝にかけて船はゆっくりとRio de Janeiroの湾に入って行った。世界で一番美しいと言われる船からの景色が展開される。キリスト像が立つCorcovadoは遠くから見えた。海岸からそそり立つSugar Loafも壮観だ。

バスでPao de Acucar=Sugar Loafに行った。先回2002年に来た時には生憎Cable Carが工事中で登れなかったから、私共にとっては初めての登頂となる。Cable Carはいよいよ駄目になって、近年入れ替えたそうで、新旧の車両の展示があった。景色も素晴らしかったが、登れたことそのものに満足した。

昼食後に2度目のCorcovadoに登った。アプト式単線の電車で登る。先回の記憶では山側の終点から長い階段を登らなければならなかったのだが、今回行ってみるとElevator, Escalatorが整備されていて、足の弱い人でも登れるようになっていた。2003年完成と聞いた。生憎太陽がキリスト像の背後にあったが、PCで修正可能な範囲だった。頂上からの見晴らしは勿論素晴らしい。

夜遅くSamba Showを見に行った。黒人のウエイトが高い女性ダンサはハイヒール込みで190cm以上の巨人揃いだった。美人も2-3人居たが、ダンスそのものはそんなに好きになれなかった。日本で見たSambaの方が芸術的かと思ったりした。ショーの中頃に男がステージに立ち、国名を列挙しながらその国から来た人を讃えた。「Japan」と言われてShigも声をあげた。その後すぐなぜか「上を向いて歩こう」の曲が掛り、男がShigを舞台に手招きし、一旦は断ったが結局舞台に上がり1曲歌った。胸の高さの舞台に飛び上がり飛び降りたのが、同席の船客の驚きとなり、Shigは有名になった。

February 23

Rio de Janeiro(2)

    A jeweler, H. Stern, provided us with a car and a female guide. We wanted to go to Tijuca Forest but it was refused by the guide and the driver. They instead took us to Botanical Garden. Since we had been there in 2002, we were not happy and truncated the tour after Botanical Garden.

    We came into the main shop of H. Stern. A Japanese staff, Mr. F., took care of us. Many Regent passengers were there, and H. Stern seemed doing a good business. We found and we didn't have enough money and Mr. F. took us by a car to our ship and I brought money from the cabin to buy things.

    As many as 239 passengers embarked at Rio for the last segment up to Florida. The ship looks almost full.

宝石商H. Sternが私共に車と女性ガイドを付けてくれた。私共は「Tijucaの森」に連れて行ってくれと頼んだのだが拒否された。その拒否の仕方が気に入らなかったのでShigは立腹した。無料ガイドなんだから仕方ないが。代わりに連れて行ってくれた2度目の植物園を見終わった所でTourを中断した。

H. Sternの本店に入った。奥さんが現地人だというFさんという日本人スタフが対応してくれた。Regentの船客が多数来ていたので、無料ガイドを付けても良い商売になっているようだった。金の持ち合わせが不十分ということになり、F氏が「付け馬」になって船まで来てくれて支払いをした。


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