April 27

Journey to Quito

     We left home on April 26 and stayed in JAL Hotel Narita.

    We were instructed to come to the Airport at 8:40. Mr.Monden, the conductor was waiting for us. The Airport was very crowded with long lines everywhere at the beginning of the Golden Week. We checked in and took breakfast in the JAL lounge. The plane took off on time at 10:40.

    I was in belief that ANA business class was the best in the world. But I found AA business class was super. More space, unique video service, and good crew services. We transferred at Dallas for Miami, and then at Miami to Quito. We arrived at JW Marriott Hotel near 12 midnight. 30 hours from a hotel to a hotel. We just slept.


空港に8:40に来るように言われていて、添乗員の門田氏が待っていてくれました。5月連休の始まりで空港はどこも長蛇の列で大変混んでいました。チェックインしてJAL Loungeで朝食。飛行機は定刻 10:40 に離陸しました。

ANAのビジネスクラスが世界一だと思っていましたが、AAのビジネスクラスは素晴らしかったです。席が広く、ビデオサービスがユニークで、乗務員のサービスも良かったです。DallasとMiamiで乗換え、QuitoのJW Marriottに到着したのは真夜中に近かったです。ホテルを出てからホテルに入るまでに30時間掛かったことになります。ただ寝るだけ。30時間=(24:00-8:00)+時差14

April 28


     The whole morning time was free, in consideration of resting of the guests. But we hired a taxi and told the driver to go to the old town, specifically to climb up to the Maria Statue, Virgen de Quito, on top of a hill of Panecillo, and then go to the most beautiful church, L'eglise de la Compagnie. The streets in the old city were all crowded and congested. It was a stress for us because we had to return to the hotel well before the afternoon schedules. But we were glad to come up to the foot of the statue, unique in the pose of dancing, made of 7,000 aluminium panels. The views of the city from the hill were super.

A mass was being held in L'eglise de la Compagnie, and outsiders and sightseers were shut out. But believers were let in by opening the iron fence. We entered by following a group of believers, but a guardman followed me saying "Senior, senior". He told me in Spanish and genture that no sightseers are let in. I responded in English and gesture that we want to pray. He let us in. The altar made of 7 tons of gold was gorgeous, but I thought that the God would not be pleased by gold confiscated from Inca Empire and its residents.

The first schedule of the afternoon was lunch at a restaurant named "La Crater" located north of Quito on top of a crater wall commanding a good view of the dead volcanic crater. Clouds were flowing in. The local cooking was by no means good, but we enjoyed explanation of the food.

Then we visited the Equator Memorial. I asked an Ecuadorian guide whether the cordinate system was changed by the satellite. She said "less than several meters if any". Later, however, I learnt in Internet that the current Memorial stands at South Lattitude 8 seconds, 240m south of the precise equator.

Then we visited the old town, specifically Plaza de la Independencia, Iglecia San Augustin, Iglecia de San Francisco, and Basilica del Voto Nacional.

一行の休息が考慮されて午前一杯自由時間でした。しかし我々はタクシーをチャータし、旧市街に行くように運転手に言いました。特にPanecilloの丘の頂上にあるマリア像 Virgen de Quitoと、一番美しいと言われるイェズス教会 L'eglise de la Compagnieに行きたいと。旧市街の道はどこも渋滞していて、午後の予定よりも充分前にホテルに帰らなければならなかった我々はストレスを感じました。それでも像の足元にたどりつけて良かったです。この像は7千枚のアルミ板で作られていて、踊っているようなポーズのユニークなものです。丘から見た街の眺めは最高でした。

イェズス教会ではミサが行われていて、外部者や観光者は締め出されていました。信者は鉄格子を開けて入れていました。我々は一群の信者の後について入りましたが、門番が"Senior, senior !"と言いながら付いてきて、スペイン語と身振りで観光客は入れないと言いました。私は英語と身振りで我々はお祈りをしたいと言ったら、入れてくれました。2人だけということもあったのでしょう。7トンの金を使ったという祭壇は豪華でしたが、インカ帝国や国民から収奪した金で飾られても神様は嬉しくないだろうと思いました。



それから旧市街に入り、独立広場、San Augustin教会、San Francisco教会、国立聖堂を訪れました。

April 29


     We got up very early in the morning and headed for the airport to take the 8:05 flight by the local airline company of Latam to the nearest island of Galapagos, San Cristobal. Then we were carried by a bus to the port of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno to embark on "Silver Galapagos" operated by the company of "Silver Sea". We found the cabin bigger than expected.

     In the evening we had a cocktail party and watched the ship go very slowly around the rock island of Leon Dormido. The rock didn't seem to be a dormant lion from any angle, but the rock against the evening glory was beautiful.

とてつもなく早起きして空港に向かい、地方航空会社LATAMの8:05の便で、Galapagos諸島で一番近い島 San Cristobal に向かいました。それでも意外に遠く、千km、90分の旅でした。そこでバスに乗ってPuerto Baquerizo Moreno港で、Silver Sea社の運行になる Silver Galapagos号に乗船しました。意外に広い船室でした。定員100名に今回は92名だとか。

夕方カクテルパーティがあり、Leon Dormidoという岩礁の周りを船は極めてゆっくり回りました。 どの角度からも眠れる獅子には見えませんでしたが、夕焼けを背景にした岩礁は美しかったです。

April 30

Santiago Island

     When we got up, the ship was near a small island Bartholome off Santiago Island. The feature of Bartholome was a pinnacle sticking at the shore, named literally "Pinnacle Rock". We took a Zodiac to the arid shore and we climbed some 300 steps to the top of a hill overlooking 360 degrees. On our way, we saw many lava lizards, cacti and small lava tubes. On our way back, a pelican was sitting near the boarding place.

     Then, I set out for snorkeling on the beach of Bartholome. I could see many fish, from 10cm to 50cm, near the rocky or sand shore, though I was clumsy in swimming with fins.

    In the afternoon, there were Zodiac tours around the west side of Santiago Island, and saw many boobies, pelicans, sea lions, and other birds. A group of rays silently passed by our Zodiac. Cacti as seen from Zodiac was inpressive. A rock formation called "Monk Rock" was very impressive. Actually I took this tour twice. I didn't know that participation was limited to only once. But I could see more animals.

In the evening there was an address by the Captain.





May 1

Isabela and Fernandina

     In the morning, when we looked outside from the cabin, we saw turtles swimming below the terrace.

     We set out in the morning for a Zodiac tour in Punta Vicente Roca of Isabela Island. Birds, iguanas, sea lions, turtles etc. were seen.

    In the afternoon, we had a lecture on Galapagos geology. Then we left the ship to land on Punta Espinosa of Fernandina Island. Essentially, there was a vast lava plain. Where it met with the ocean, a peninsula was formed and it was a rich habitat of marine animals such as iguanas, sea lions, crabs etc. I tried to take pictures of those with the ship afar, or against the late-afternoon reddish sky and waves. Because of higher tide, a part of the path was filled with 30cm sea water. I carried Sue on my back, but with some difficulty because of unstable sand and rocks and also blocking low branches. On our return Zodiac, the evening glory was very beautiful, and the ship illuminated pink by the evening glory was pretty.

    There was held a cocktail party for the first-time participants by the Captain. I talked with him briefly. For the dinner, instead of the regular restaurant on Deck 2, we dined at the stone barbecue restaurant on Deck 5. Dr. & Mrs. T sat next to us, and we had pleasant conversation. Dr. T requested music performance of "Condor flys".


午前中はIsabela島のPunta Vincente岩の辺りをZodicで回りました。鳥、イグアナ、アシカ、海亀などが見られました。

午後は、Galapagosの地質に関する講義を聞きました。MagmaのHot Spotについて質問しました。それから下船してFernandina島のPunta Espinosaに上陸しました。本質的には広大な熔岩原でした。熔岩が海に接した場所では半島が出来て、海の生物の豊かな住処でした。イグアナ、アシカ、蟹などでした。これらの動物と遠くの我が船を一緒に撮影するか、遅い午後の赤ずんだ空や波を背景に撮影することを試みました。満潮のために、道の一部が30cmほど冠水していたので、Sueを背負ったのですが、不安定な砂と岩、邪魔になる低い枝のために困難がありました。帰路のZodiacから見た夕焼けが大変綺麗でした。船が夕焼けに映えてピンクに照明されているのは美しかったです。


May 2

Isabela Island

     In the morning, we took a Zodiac tour to Tagus Cove, which looked like a volcanic crater bay.

     Our main objective was to see Galapagos penguins. Penguins swim very fast in the water, but they sometimes stick their heads above the water to inhale air. It was difficult to take their photos, but fortunately two of them climbed up a rock wall near their nest, and we could easily take their pictures.

    In addition to penguins, we saw pelicans, herons, iguanas, mating turtles etc. Heron's stealth steps forwards watching fish amuzed me. I found a pelican standing on a rock. Our ship was seen in the background. I could take a photo of the pelican with our ship.

     In early afternoon, Mr. Monden invited us for a tea party with Japanese tea and cookies. He talked about Charles Darwin and evolution theory.

     In the afternoon, we participated in another Zodiac tour in Elizabeth Bay. At one point on the sea, cormorants and pelicans were violently and almost perpendicularly diving into the sea to catch fish. I didn't know that pelicans were so agile.

     We came into one of the mangrove coves where many turtles were seen. I could take some good pictures.

午前中は、Isabela島の噴火口の一つに海が入り込んだ入江の、Tagus CoveをZodiacで回りました。






May 3

Floreana Island

     The ship moored off Floreana Island. By Zodiac we landed at the Post Office Bay, where was no post office. There was only a small barrel in which people are supposed to post cards without postage stamps. We did so and then we saw already posted cards if there were any cards addressed to home countries or towns. I got a Japanese card from a Kawasaki resident. I am supposed to hand it in Japan to a man from Kawasaki, but not knowing anybody there, I'll probably put a postage stamp on it in Japan.

    This was the day of Sue's debut in snorkeling in Galapagos. She has experienced it once in Thailand years ago. But waves were too high and strong. So we moved to the end of the shore where waves were blocked by rocks. Since she saw a couple of fish there, we returned to the ship.

    In the late afternoon, we did wet landing at Punta Cormorant of Floreana Island. There we saw wild flamingos for the first time in our lives. I could take many pictures, some of which looked good. Then we moved to a hatching beach of turtles. Many frigate birds were circling over the beach and from time to time some of them flew down and picked up hatching baby turtles.

船はFloreana島の沖に投錨しました。ZodiacでPost Office湾に上陸しましたが、郵便局がある訳ではなく、小さな樽があって、そこに切手無しの手紙を投函するのです。我々もそうしました。それから既に投函されている郵便物を見て、自国や自分の町が宛名になっている郵便物があるかどうかを見ました。私は川崎在住の日本語の絵葉書を引き受けました。日本では川崎の人にこれを手渡すはずですが、そういう人を知らないので、多分日本で切手を貼ることになるでしょう。太平洋の真ん中で航海時代から続く面白い伝統です。


午後遅くなってからFloreana島のPunta Cormorantの水際に上陸しました。ここでは生涯初めて野生のフラミンゴを見ました。Flamingoは綺麗でした。沢山写真を撮り、その幾つかは良い出来でした。それから移動して、海亀の産卵地に行きました。多数の軍艦鳥が海岸の上を回っていて、時々降りてきて生まれたばかりの亀を取り上げるのを見ました。

May 4

Santa Cruz (1)

    The ship moored off Santa Cruz Island in the morning.

    In the early morning, we set out for landing on rocks of Santa Cruz Island to walk around Cerro(Hill) Dragon, where there were many land iguanas. Males were larger in orange color, and females were blackish. We walked for 90 minutes in muddy trails, and shoes and pants of everyone turned muddy. But it was interesting to see land iguanas for the first time.

    In the afternoon, we landed at a different but adjacent beach. The plan was to visit two lagoons to watch flamingos, and then to swim on the beach. Unfortunately, however, it began to rain very heavily. We used umbrellas but we were drenched to the skin. In the first lagoon, there was no flamingo. In the other, three flamindos were there. Because of rain, the lens filter was clouded and no good photos were expected. But we could see marine iguanas swimming and a baby flamingo walking.

    In early evening, there was a cookoing school by the chef. Both Sue and Shig had registered, but I gave my admission to Mrs.T. I heard that only the chef did cooking in front of attendees and then everyone shared the food.

朝方Santa Cruz島の沖合に船は投錨しました。

早朝、島の岩場にZodiacを付けて上陸し、Cerro Dragon=Dragon Hillの麓を歩いて、沢山の陸 Iguana を見ました。雄は大きくてオレンジ色、雌は黒っぽいです。野生の綿の黄色い花や、朝顔の一種の白い花にも出会いました。ぬかるみの道を約90分歩いたので、全員の靴とズボンが泥だらけになりました。しかし初めて陸Iguanaが見られて良かったです。

午後は少し離れたBachas BeachにZodiacを付けました。岩に止まったPelicanの向こうにSilver Galapagosが停泊しているのが、良い被写体でした。計画では近くのLagoonにFlamingoを見に行き、その後少し泳ぐ予定でしたが、生憎豪雨に見舞われました。傘をさしても下半身はずぶ濡れになり、カメラも保護Filterが曇ってロクな写真は撮れなかったです。2か所のLagoonのうち、一方にはFlamingoの影は無く、他方に3羽だけ居ました。しかし海イグアナが泳ぐのも見られたし、Flamingoの子供も見ました。


May 5

Santa Cruz (2)

     The ship stayed in Puerto Ayora. In the morning, we took Zodiac to the pier. Interestingly, two boats moored at the pier were occupied by sea lions. When I wanted to sit on a bench there, it was also occupied by another sea lion. The bench was black probably due to sea lion's skin oil.

    We took a mini-bus to climb up the mountain behind the town to reach a farm where huge giant tortoises were preserved. We wore rubber boots to walk around the compound and could see four male tortoises as big as 200-250 kg and somewhat smaller females. There was a lava tunnel, about 100m long, in the compound. We walked through it.

    Before returning to the port, we visited two huge depressions, seemingly 100m deep and 500m in diameter each. Gaseous lava left a huge underground tunnel and its ceiling collapsed to make these depressions.

    In the afternoon, we visited a private coffee farm. The owner of the farm explained to us how to raise coffee trees and how to roast beans. But his explanation was endless, and I asked the Ecuadorian guide to expedite. We bought a small pack of ground coffee.

    The bus took us to Charles Darwin Research Lab. There we saw many small baby tortoises which were supposed to become huge over decades. Then we saw a stuffed huge long-life giant tortoise in a glass case, named lonesome George. We hurried to a jewelry shop near the entrance to the lab and bought a tortoise-shaped pendant top for Sue. As expected, the shop found and paid for taxi to the pier. There was a farewell party onboard.





バスでCharles Darwin研究所まで行きました。多数の赤ちゃん亀が飼育されていました。何十年かで巨大になるはずです。そこでガラスケースに入ったLonesome Georgeと呼ばれた長命の巨大な象亀の剥製を見ました。2012年に死んだ有名な亀だったとか。研究所への入口に近い宝石店に急ぎ、Sueに亀型のペンダントトップを買いました。期待通り、店が港に戻るタクシーを呼んでくれて、支払ってくれました。船では歓送会がありました。

May 6


     We got up early in the morning to vacate our cabin by 7:30. We waited long before disembarkation from 9:30. Our Zodiac took us to land on Baltra Island off Santa Cruz Island, where US Air Base used to be located to protect Panama Canal from Japanese invasion. The same airstrip is now used for sightseers. But we had to wait long before delayed flight took off at 14:30 instead of planned 12:40. We arrived at Guayaquil airport and went to a Japanese style restaurant for a dinner. Fairly tasty. We came back to the airport around 20:00, but the flight to Miami was also delayed and only as late as 24:00 we took off.

    In Miami, we repeated agony of APC, the machine to pre-process entry to US. We were lucky to be led to a newly opened lane, but others were not so lucky and it took a long time until every member passed entry process. Great help was that the check-in baggage tranfer was handled by AA. But we had to go through the long line of the security check again. When we arrived at the gate, boarding was supposed to have begun, but again flight delay was notified from 7:05am to 7:35, and then to 7:59. We were concerned because the connection time was only 85 minutes at Dallas. But fortunately the flight arrived at Dallas only 15 minutes late. When we arrived at the gate, we found boarding already beginning. In this flight from Miami, I don't know why but we were in the economy class and we two were seated at the back end of the plane. But there we found that a woman seated next to us was one of the seven members from Champaign-Urbana, IL. We talked much about the twin city.

    The flight from Dallas to Narita took off punctually, and a comfortable flight began. From Narita, we could get on a bus for JR Hachioji, which was the first stop from the airport and it took only 105 minutes. It was laborious to carry baggage up to the elevated floor to move to the taxi stand, but it may be the fastest route to our home. It was at 5:30 pm that we arrived home. 43 hours have passed since we left our cabin.

早起きして、船室を7:30には明け渡さなければなりませんでした。それから長時間待って、9:30から下船が始まりました。ZodiacでSanta Cruz島の沖にあるBaltra島に上陸しました。ここには第2次大戦中米軍飛行場が置かれ、日本軍侵攻に対してPanama運河を守る任務に就きました。同じ滑走路が今は観光客が使っています。しかし出発が遅れ、12:40発のはずが14:30頃の離陸となりました。本土のGuayaquilへの到着が遅れてホテルで休憩の時間が無くなり、「日本風料理」に直行して夕食を取り、20:00頃には空港に着きましたが、再びMiami行きの飛行機が遅れ、24:00頃の離陸となりました。定時運行の意欲が無いようです。


DallsからNaritaへの便は、時刻通りに離陸し、快適な飛行が始まりました。Flat Bedで足を伸ばして休めました。成田では丁度JR八王子行き直行のバスに乗れて、1時間45分で八王子に着きました。荷物を持って2階に上がりタクシーに乗り換えるのが労力を要しましたが、自宅への最速ルートかも知れません。南陽台の自宅に着いたのは5:30pmでしたから、船室を出た時刻から43時間が経過していました。43時間=(17:30-7:30)+24x2-時差15

[Cruise Index]