Quito and Galapagos Islands

    This is the index of a travel log of our visit to Quito, Ecuador and a week-long Galapagos Cruise on "Silver Galapagos" operated by SilverSea, We picked up this cruise on a newspaper advertisement by Yusen Cruise company. Eight passengers, 3 couples including ourselves and two couples of medical doctors, and a father and a son, were led by a conductor Mr. Monden.
    We missed our visit to Quito, Ecuador, in 2010 when we were trapped in Machu Picchu by the flood. So visit to Quito was an important part of our objectives, while seeing Galapagos was the major part of the trip.
 これは、Ecuadorの首都Quito訪問と、SilverSea社が運航するクルーズ船"Silver Galapagos号"によるGalapagos諸島 の1週間のクルーズの旅行記の検索頁です。郵船クルーズ社の新聞広告でこのクルーズを見つけました。我々と2組の医師夫妻を含む3夫妻と、父子の8人と添乗員の門田氏でした。
 我々は2010年にQuito訪問をしくじりました。洪水でMachu Picchuに閉じ込められたからです。だからQuito訪問は目的の重要な部分でした。勿論Galapagos訪問が旅の主要部分でしたが。

Dates in 2017LocationsActions行動
April 27Left TokyoLeft Tokyo and arrived at Quito JW Marriott near midnight..東京を発ちQuitoのJW Marriottに着いたのは真夜中近かった。
April 28Quito SightseeingPrivate visits to Virgen de Panecillo in the morning, In the afternoon, our group visited the equator memorial and churches.午前は個人でマリア像、午後は団体行動で赤道記念碑と教会群を見学。
April 29EmbarkationFlew to San Cristobal and embarked.San Cristobalまで飛び、乗船した。
April 30SantiagoWalk, snorkel and Zodiac Tour.遠足、スノーケル、Zodiac
May 1Isabela and FernandinaZodiac tour along Isabala, and Walk on Fernandina to watch animals.Isabela島の海岸のZodiac Tourと、Fernandina島に上陸して動物観察
May 2IsabelaZodiac Toura in Tagus Cove and Elizabeth Bay.Tagus CoveとElizabeth BayでZodiac Tour。
May 3Floreana We posted a postcard into a barrel and took back another card addressed to Japan. Sue did a bit of snorkeling.樽に絵葉書を投函し、日本宛ての1枚の絵葉書を持ち帰った。Sueは少々Snorkeling。
May 4Santa Cruz(1)Saw many land iguanas and some marine iguanas.陸イグアナ多数と、海イグアナを見た。
May 5Santa Cruz(2)Visited a turtle farm, a coffee farm and the Darwin Lab象亀園、コーヒー園、Darwin研を訪問。
May 6DisembarkationDisembarked and returned via Guayaquil, Miami, Dallas to Narita on May 8 evening in the Japan time.下船し、Guayaquil、Miami、Dallas経由で成田に日本時間の8日晩に到着。

'17/ 5/ 8 Quito
'17/ 5/ 8 赤道記念碑
'17/ 5/ 8 Galapagos
'17/ 5/19 旅の要領