November 12

Great Barrier Reef

Note that the left half is in Japanese English and the right half is in genuine Japanese.

When Mariner approached near Great Barrier Reef, Mariner is anchored near Hardy Reef off Hayman Island, and half of the passengers moved to a sightseeing ship. The other half stayed onboard, either not fit or not interested. Mariner moved on afterwards. The sightseeing ship cruised for less than an hour to reach a pontoon at the edge of a coral reef.

We moved to the pontoon, from which a semi-submergible boat departed. Glass windows allowed view into the water, and various kinds of corals and fish could be seen. Fortunately a sea turtle happened to come into our view.

In the pontoon, there was a basement floor from which as many as 40 people could see various kinds of fish swimming just outside of the windows. A big fish as long as 2m swam by to and fro.

Shig swam into the sea to see the coral reef.

It took 2 hours for the sightseeing ship to catch up with Mariner, by then anchored in a cove of Hamilton Island. We got ashore by a tender, and walked along the only street for window shopping.

In the dinner, we were seated with a couple of a doctor from Georgia, and two hosts, a former doctor and a ex-IBM man. Sue ate fish and I took risotto.

世界遺産にして世界一の珊瑚礁Great Barrier Reefを見学した。Mariner号は、Hayman島の沖Hardy Reefの近くで投錨し、乗客の半数は観光船に乗り移った。あとの半分は興味ないか体力に自信がないため船に残った。Mariner号はリゾートの小島Hamilton島に行ってしまった。

観光船はHardy Reefの縁に浮かんでいる海上基地に接岸した。鉄製2階建ての海上基地は、店、半潜水ボ−ト、ヘリコプタ基地、男女更衣室、窓から魚が見られる地下室などがあり、2階で甲羅干しをする人も居た。


地下室は意外に広く40人分位のベンチがあった。窓の外を魚が行き交う。時々2mもあるNapoleon Maori Wrasseという巨大な魚がコバンザメを腹に付けて行き来する。





November 13

At Sea

We were at sea all the day. In the evening, the captain invited every passenger for a cocktail party, for many of them are leaving the ship at Sydney on the day after tomorrow.

Sue had a hard time to wear black and gold Homongi Kimono. But when we proceeded to the entrance of the hall to shake hands with the captain, he said to Sue, "You are very elegant."

We accidentally sat side by side with a Japanese couple who came onboard as members of the group. Members selected from crews played dance and songs.

In the dinner we sat with Ian & Margaret, Patty and his friend from England. I ate veal and Sue ate fish.

Today's show was by singers and dancers onboard.


グループで参加している日本人の内の佐野ご夫妻と偶然隣り合わせで坐ることになり、少し身の上話をした。Groupは明後日Sydneyで下船されるとか。還暦の15年前から年に2-3回ずつ、但し1 Segmentずつ50回もCruiseに出たとか。日本人には珍しい経験と拝察した。乗務員から選ばれた芸達者によるショーがあった。

夕食は再びIan & Margaretと一緒になり、英国から来た元美人のPattyとその同棲中の友人と同席した。英人同士の早口の会話には付いて行けず苦労したが、まあ話の仲間に入ることは出来た。重悳はVealをスミヱは魚を食べた。


November 14

At Sea

The ship was at sea all day. When I got up before 6am, I saw the sun beautifully rising squarely in front of the window. The ship must be cruising squarely south.

The captain announced at noon that the ship crossed the south latitude 30 degrees. The temperature outside was much cooler and it was warmer inside our cabin. Apparently we are heading south. There was high swell and the cabin rocked badly.

Being nervous about climbing the bridge tomorrow, we wanted to save energy and took dinner alone.




November 15


We got off the ship and walked to the office of "Bridge Climb" half an hour too early. After a while, we were called in. It was a group of ten people; ourselves, a couple who would embark in the afternoon, an Indian couple with two kids, and two individuals. We did (1) signing a contract, (2) wearing a cover-all uniform and leaving personal belongings in a safe, (3) attaching a safety gadget, (4) wearing a cap, (5) having a fleece, (6) having a handkerchief, (7) Tying glasses, (8) training of ascending and descending ladders, (9) having a wireless gadget, before begining to climb.

A guide let us climb very slowly explaing what we could see, and taking pictures. Climbing itself was not hard. I could do it within half an hour if I could do it as I liked. But actually it took one hour for preparation and training, one hour for climbing and 2/3 hour for descent, and 2/3 hour for removing gadgets and uniforms. In total 3 hours and a half.

On the bridge, strong wind flew rather continuously and it made us uncomfortable, but otherwise weather was wonderful and views were super.

We took snack at the Bridge Climb office for lunch and set out for two hour Harbout Cruise. We found Sydney was full of green.

Then we walked along George Street in the district called Rocks for shopping. Sue was interested in beautiful opals and pink diamonds.

In the dinner, we were seated with a host and three single ladies from Chicago, Brooklyn, and an island near Sydney.

船が日の出を背景にSydney港に入る過程をずっと見ていた。遠くにHarbour Bridgeが見え、段々近づいてきた。あれに今日は登るのだ。

早めに船を下り、Bridge Climbという会社の事務所を探したらノボリが立っていたのですぐ判った。予約番号を告げ切符を貰った。半時間Bridge ClimbのDVDを見たり買い物をして潰した。


登ること自体は苦労ではなかった。標高が僅か134mだったし、観光説明や写真撮影に時間を掛けてゆっくり登らせたからだ。ただ強風が常に一定に吹いていてそれが邪魔だった。頂上からのOpera HouseやMariner号を見下ろした景色は素晴らしかった。結局予定通り3.5時間掛かった。

Bridge ClimbでSnackで昼食とし、その足で集合場所に行き、Harbour Cruiseに参加した。船は2時間かけて港内を反時計回りに案内してくれた。天然の良港で、大洋から奥深く入った所に港がある。また緑が豊かでうらやましい。海に面した立派な邸宅を幾つもみた。

Harbour Cruise終了後も船には戻らず、Rocksと呼ばれる古い町のGeorge Streetを歩いて店を覗き、若干の買い物をした。


November 16


We set out for a full-day trip to a World Heritage, Blue Mountain.It took two hours to get there. In the half point, we took rest in front of the Olympic Stadium.

We arrived at a town of Katoomba, and its lookout point called Echo Point. It was just like Grand Canyon, except that the ground was covered with thick green. Surprising was the fact that all the rocks of this mountain were aqueous. They were eroded to form a deep grand valley.

Then we spent half an hour for looking around a amiable little town of Leura. We took lunch in a resort hotel in Leura.

In the afternoon, we descended to the valley by a 52 degree train, which used to carry coals and miners. At the bottom, there were remains of coal mines in the rainforest. After walking several hundred meters, we took a huge cable car of Scenic Skyway, accommodating 84 people, beck to the top. It took another two hours to come back.

At the pier, we didn't come back to the ship, but walked around the seaside, with a very busy ferry terminal, a train terminal and shops. In one of the shops, we bought a colorful abstract drawing of a kangaroo by a named aboriginal artist, for our own souvenir.

In the dinner we were together with a Belsium couple, who have visited Japan 40-50 times. It was an enjoyable dinner.

朝から一日コースのバス旅行で世界遺産のBlue Mountainに行った。片道2時間掛かる。途中Olympic Stadiumの真ん前でトイレ休憩した。

Katoombaの町のEcho Pointという展望台に着いた。Blue Mountainの渓谷を覗き込める場所だ。米国のGrand Canyonのような地形だが、全て緑に覆われている所が異なる。侵食作用が削り残したThree Sistersという3本の岩柱が呼び物だ。少し下のレベルの展望台に下り、制限時間内に近道で戻ろうとしたら近道がなく、来た道を大急ぎで戻ったので、Sueには悪いことをした。

Leuraという可愛らしい町で半時間の時間調整があり、名物の"The Candy Store"がSueには楽しかったようだ。昼食はLeuraのResort Hotelで取った。

午後は、昔は石炭と坑夫を運んだという傾斜52度の世界一急な鉄道で渓谷に下りた。確かに炭鉱の跡があった。渓谷はRainforestに覆われていて、電信柱ほどもある巨大なシダがあった。帰りは、Scenic Skywayという84人乗りの巨大なCable Carで渓谷の縁に戻った。

2時間かけてまたSydneyの波止場に戻った。船には戻らずに水辺を歩いた。Brazil原産というJacarandaの紫の花が美しい。Aboriginal Artの店で画家の署名があるカンガルーの抽象画と、Didgeraliaという木をくりぬいたAlpen Hornのような楽器の演奏のCDを購入した。


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