November 7


Note that the left half is in Japanese English and the right half is in genuine Japanese.

We finished visit to Indonesia and arrived at Darwin, Australia. The imigration officials arrived at the ship before 7am by a pilot boat, although the ship came alongside at 8am. When viewed from the ship, Darwin was adorned with tree-full red flowers of Poinciana. Officials' interview with every passenger has begun so early in the morning. This process ended before 9am, and we were allowed to land.

Sue and I got off the ship and caught a shuttle bus to the town. So we thought. But the bus went on and on for an hour and arrived at "Jumping Crocodile Park". The bus turned out to be a chartered bus by a group of Australians. Besides us, there were two more couples, one from Belgium and the other from UK. We pleaded to join the tour of the group, but it was refused and a bus from the same company took us back to the ship, with apology by the bus company that they allowed wrong people to get on. Thus the whole morning was spent.

After a quick lunch, we took a bus tour to Territory Wildlife Park. The bus first drove around the City of Darwin before heading for the park. Darwin was found small but beautiful. The park was a flat land covered with trees, and wildlives were kept within enclosures here and there. Wallabies are a kind of Kangaroos. Emus are like Ostriches. Wild pigs, and even an aquarium. In the beginning, we were afraid that we might have too long a time. But the Park was much bigger than we first thought.We didn't have time to see everywhere, and we had to get on a motor train to come back to the entrance in time.

In the dinner, we were seated with two male staffs of the ship, Mrs. Fay Keenan from Louisiana, and Mr. Leif Hakansson from Malta.I ate lamb while Sue took Haribut.

Australia北端の町で、アジアとの窓口が期待されている町、Darwinに到着した。有名な生物学者のCharles Darwinの名で命名されたそうだが、Darwinは来たこともなかったそうだ。ただ某船長が親友Darwinの名を付けて彼を喜ばせようとしたらしい。


全員の入国審査終了後、上陸許可が下りた。私たちは早速町へのShuttle Busに乗った。ところがこのバスはどこまでも走り、小1時間走って"Jumping Crocodile Park"に到着した。Busは豪州人のGroupがCharterしたBusだった。Busを間違えた人が他に2夫婦あり、ベルギー人と英国人だった。英国人でも間違えたのだからと、自らを慰める。悪いことをしたと思ったBus会社が1台Busを差し向けてくれて、それで船に戻った。それで午前中は潰れてしまった。でもその間、広大な湿地、大きな蟻塚、Poncianaなど珍しいものを見た。

昼食後午後はTerritory Wildlife Parkに行くBus Tourに参加した。Busは最初小さいが美しい市内をあちこち案内してくれた。Parkはダダッ広い森で、所々の仕切りの中に動物が居る。Kangarooの一種のWallaby、ダチョウのようなEmu、野豚、水族館まであった。最初は時間を持て余すことを心配していたが、規模が予想より大きく、回りきれないと悟って巡回トレーラに乗って時間通りに戻った。一番印象的だったのは、野鳥が一杯居たGoose Lagoonだった。


November 8

At Sea

Australia is big. There are two peninsulas jutting north, embracing the Gulf of Carpentaria. Darwin is in the west of the west peninsula, and our next destination, Cooktown, is located in the east side of the east peninsula, which is Cape York Peninsula. The ship left Darwin last evening and cruised almost for a full day, but still the ship is about to leave the west peninsula to enter into the Gulf. We can see 360 degrees of the horizon.

In the early morning, while everyone was still sleeping, I did laundry. The laundry machine room was all for me. Sue says she likes cruise because I do laundry. While waiting for laundry, I prepared reply in Japanese to a contract question sent over the email to me from Luke19.

The maid to clean our cabin every day, called stewardess, is Jany from Indonesia. Two other maids on the same floor are from Philippines. Jany said she graduated from a college majoring in hotel. She looks smart and sociable, and speaks good English. She must be an elite in her town. The maids all work very hard from early in the morning until late in the evening. They are contracted with the cruising company.

Yesterday, the guest directory was distributed. There are 552 guests onboard, 46.2% Americans, 18.5% Australians, 14.1% UK. We have 7 Japanese, 3 Koreans, 3 from Hong Kong, 2 each from India, Malaysia and Thailand. In addition to the above 7 Japanese, a Japanese tour conductor for the group of 5 is onboard. We two are out of the group.

It was a formal evening and a cocktail party was held before the dinner for the past guests. Sue wore white kimono with black obi, which attracted attention. Kindly joined our dinner table was an English couple of orthopedic surgeon, who was invited to the captain dinner the other day together with us, but in the other corner of the table.


人数      人数
米国25346.3      豪州10619.4
英国7613.9      カナダ244.4
フランス142.6      ベルギー152.7
オランダ81.5      ドイツ71.3
日本71.3      スイス61.1
香港30.5      その他各2各0.4
*=韓国、インド、マレイシア、タイ、Puerto Rico、Monaco、Ireland、Norway、南Africa、New Zealandがそれぞれ2名。他の欧州国各1名計4名。


今晩はFormalで、Sueはカキツバタの白い夏の着物を着た。夕食前に過去の乗船記録のある乗客だけのCocktail Partyがあった。夕食では英整形外科医夫妻Ian & Margaret Heslopが同席してくれた。船長の夕食で反対側に坐った夫妻で、欧州の実業家かと想像していた。長年のこのCruise会社のお得意さんらしい。ご夫婦から聞いた話では、Bruce & Tania Gray夫妻は船長との夕食を希望したとのこと。あの奥さんは社長でもあり積極的な人だった。印度人夫妻(長い名前で夫婦別姓)は息子の縁で招待されたのであろう。我々はSueのおかげで呼んでもらった。

November 9

At Sea

I wrote down a contract for Luke19 and sent it. Besides, Sue and I did fair amount of reading.

The ship went around Cape York Peninsula at last.

In the afternoon, there was a talk in the hall between the captain and Barry. I was the first to raise hands for questions.

We learnt about the propulsion system of the ship, Azipod System. It is like a jet propulsion. Fan is inside a pipe and probably rotates in a higher speed. That is why we don't feel vibration of the engine in the cabin.

I asked the hosts why there are so many single lady passengers.The answer was that their husbands were dead with money left to the widows.

In the dinner, we sat with two hosts and Navy Captain David & Mrs. Judy Carroll. Both Sue and I ate risotto.

今日も一日中航海。その間私はLuke19のために契約を一つ書き上げ、別の人からの契約文書に目を通した。Sueも私も今日はよく読書をした。私は斉藤茂吉の「万葉秀歌上下」を持ってきて、これは正解だった。もう一つ友人に勧められて"The Sigularity is Near"という625頁の本をAmazonから購入したのが、出発直前に届き、それを持ってきたのを今持て余している。


この船のエンジンはAzipod Systemといって、Jetのように水を噴射して推進するそうだ。そのJetの方向を360度変えられるので、入港出港などでは船は横にも移動できる。プロペラは内部にはあるが、多分回転が速いのだろう。だから振動が船室に伝わってこない。


November 10


In the morning at 5:50am, I saw a gorgeous sunrise on the top deck. The ship anchored far off-shore at Cooktown before 1pm, probably because the sea was too shallow. Cooktown was a very small town, but it has a statue of James Cook, and a memorial on the beach where he landed in 1770. We visited James Cook Historical Museum, but were not quite impressed.

Twelve passengers got on a minibus, driven by Wilfred (Willie) Gordon, who was found an elder of Nugal-warra tribe of aborigines. Everyone whom we encounter on the highway waved hands to Willie. He must be an influential person. He was educated in a college in Brisbane and spoke good English.

He took us deep into the forest to a rock hill. In eroded caves in the rock, there were pictographs drawn by aborigines since old times until as recent as 1930's when his father was living in those caves.

He told us he would talk about three S's; Spirit, Survival and $, and began a sermon to us. Spirits resides and returns to the birthplace. Survival is the result of protection by the mother nature, as long as people honor the rules of the nature, taught by elders. $ is what Westerners brought to change the society. Doing good for others must be free. But we gave him tips.

In the dinner we were seated again with two hosts. I took a pasta dinner.

After dinner, we danced slow waltz, and listened to Barry's songs for a while.

早起きしてTop Deckに出て見ると、丁度豪華な朝日が昇ってきた。

浅瀬なのか船は遥か沖合いに投錨したのでランチは20分も掛かって船客を岸に届けた。我々は1pm過ぎの最初のランチで上陸し、コンビニのような郵便局を見学し、土産物屋でTシャツを買い、National TrustになっているというJames Cook Historical Museumを見学した。海岸のCook船長の像の前で記念写真を撮り、Cook船長の上陸点の記念碑を見た。

そのうちにBus Tour客が上陸してきたので、真っ先にMinibusに乗り込んだ。12人の客とともに、AborigineのNugal-warra族の長老であるWilfred (Willie) Gordonが運転し案内してくれた。彼はBrisbaneの大学を出たインテリで私より上手な英語を話した。道で出会う人皆が彼に手を振って挨拶したから、有名人に違いない。日本人の客は初めてだったと。北西の森の中の舗装の無い道をガタゴト1時間ドライブして、或る岩山に着いた。溶岩かと見えたが、彼は水成岩だと言った。侵食で岩に窪みが出来た所に人が住み、壁面に原始画を描いている。古いものは何時か判らぬが、彼の父が住んだ1930年代の絵もあると言った。




November 11


The ship docked alongside at Cairns at 7am. We walked out around 8am. On our way, there was a temporary stall of a jewerly shop and we bought a opal in a hurry.

Our bus took 20 minutes or so to the Fresh Water Station of Kuranda Scenic Railway. We made a trip to the town of Kuranda on the train, which was in service since 1887. The train took about an hour to Kuranda, including a photo stop for Barron Falls.

Our bus were waiting for us there, because a bus could travel in half an hour. We were taken from the station to Rainforest and we got on an Army Duck, which is a automobile boat developed for military use by the US force during WW2.

The army duck drove down into the thick forest to the water level while the driver pointed to various plants and animals. The vehicle went into the water for more sightseeing, and came back. There was a zoo of animals unique to this area, such as Kangaroos, Crocodiles, Coaras, Snakes etc. Then the bus took us back to the pier. The ship departed while we were taking lunch.

Cairns is said to be the sightseeing place most liked by Japanese visitors. We saw many Japanese signboards on the streets, and we met many groups of Japanese on our way. One group was of girls' high school named Yamazaki High School in Hyogo.

There were many passengers embarking at Cairns, but seemingly no Japanese.

In the dinner, we met lawyers Allan and Ellen from Portland again, and two other husbands from San Jose and Sydney whose wives didn't come.


バスは鉄道駅に我々を運んでくれた。Kurandaという町まで行くKuranda Scenic Railwayという鉄道の始点Fresh Water駅だ。ガイドの豪州英語は判り難いし、他のグループの人も多く、乗換えが難しそうだったので心配したが、結果的には問題なかった。鉄道は昔は金鉱の町まで行っていたもので、ゆっくりゆっくり標高を稼ぐ。山岳鉄道だから鉄橋あり滝あり下界の見晴らしありで、景色が売り物だ。車で半時間のところを1時間も掛けて上った。途中Barron Fallsという立派な滝があって、15分ほど写真停車をした。

Kuranda駅に到着すると先程のバスが待っていて、Rainforestに連れて行ってくれた。要は多雨地方のジャングルだ。そこに第2次大戦中に米軍が開発したという水陸両用車Army Duckで入り、運転手が珍しい動植物を説明する。



夕食は2人の法律家とまた一緒になった。奥様が不在の2人のご主人、SydneyおよびSan Joseから、と一緒だった。女性が少ないため、難しい話が多く、それらにはあまりうまく参加できなかった。

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