December 1

Bay of Islands

Note that the left half is in Japanese English and the right half is in genuine Japanese.

The ship anchored at Bay of Islands in Northland of New Zealand. We were carried by a tender to the seashore of Waitangi and got on a coach with a Maori guide.

We saw the two oldest buildings in New Zealand, one wooden in 1823 and the other stone in 1833, built in Kerikeri Inlet by a British missionary who was the ancestor of our guide. Then we visited a forest of huge Kauri Trees, which used to cover all over New Zealand but cut off for making buildings and canoes.

The highlight of the day was our visit to one of 28 Maori tribes, especially into tribe's holy assembly hall called Marae. We were welcomed by songs and a welcome address in Maori. We sang "You are my sunshine" and our guide and his wife returned duet of a local song.

After lunch in a hotel, we visited a historical place where the treaty between Britain and Maori chieves was signed in 1840.

Sue was cooled too much during the trip and took some time in the cabin before recovery. Because it was too late for a company table, we dined by ourselves.

New Zealand最北部の細長い半島はNorthland=北部と呼ばれる田舎で、Maori族が多く住む。そのBay of Islandsと呼ばれる湾に停泊した船からランチでWaitangiの海岸に着き、Maori族のガイドのバスに乗った。


それからカヌーや建物の材料としてMaori文化を支えた巨木の森に案内された。Kauri TreeはCaliforniaのRedwoodの親戚だそうで、或る木などは直径は3m近く、天に向かって数十m直立していた。

本日のハイライトは、この国のMaoriの28部族のうちガイドの属する部族の神聖な集会所Maraeに入れて貰ったことだった。門でガイドの妻が「客人を案内する」と歌えば、入口の女性が歌で応えた。靴を脱いで大教室ほどのMaraeに静粛に入ると、酋長が歓迎の辞を述べた。我々の臨時の酋長が感謝を述べ、我が部族の歌としてYou are my sunshineを歌った。それに対してガイドと妻が見事な二重唱で応えた。



December 2a

At Sea

It was the first of 5 days at sea to get to Tahiti. In the morning, we listened to a lecture on sea lives in Tahiti, and I took another lecture of astronomy. The latter was not interesting enough because I knew too much in this area.

On my way back, I heard Japanese language spoken, and introduced myself to Mr. & Mrs. Tsunoda. Later in the lunch time, Mrs. Kadono passed by and she met Sue. Probably we are the only 4 Japanese.

It was a formal evening. Sue wore Tomesode for the second time and was satisfied with its dressing well done. "Kimono" was praised by many people.

New ZealandからTahitiに渡る5日間の航海の第1日だ。大洋なのでウネリがかなりある割に船は揺れない。


帰り道に日本語が聞こえたので自己紹介した。角田ご夫妻はAucklandからLos Angelesまで行かれると。昼食時に奥様が通りかかったのでSueとの挨拶が実現した。


December 2b

At Sea

The ship crossed the date line and we had two days of December 2. This is our first experience because we have never crossed the date line on a ship before. We received a well-prepared certificate of crossing the date line.

I attended 3 lectures; on astronomy, on navigation techniques of Polynesia, and on coral reefs. Navigation lecture was very interesting. The lecturer was a Swiss lady, who studied Polynesia and fell in love with those islands to live there.

In the lunch time, a gentleman waved towards me and handed an envelop addressed to "Su-san". A picture of us was enclosed. The picture was taken more than a week ago. Probably he had carried it along for many days until he saw us. I wrote a thanks letter.

When I requested a company table for the dinner, the seat assignment clerk asked me, "Could it be together with XXX ?" I didn't understand. He took me to a table where a couple we knew were sitting. Since we had already dined with them for a couple of times, I declined. He said, "That's why I asked." It is surprising that he knew that we had dined with them before.

As a result, we dined with strangers. One couple were from Auckland, the other were from Sacramento. Talking about Sacramento, I mentioned Oakland. Then there occurred confusion between Oakland and Auckland. I learnt with much surprise that they pronounce Oakland and Auckland differently.




New Zealandから乗ってきたPolynesiaのSingers & Dancersが食事中など色々な時と場所で歌と踊りを披露する。Hawaiiのものに似ている。それにしても彼女らの体格の大きくて格好良いこと。Tahitiの女性は皆こんなに大きいのか?

夕食時にCompany Tableを申し込んだら、XXXと一緒でよいかと聞かれた。分からなかったらTableに連れて行ってくれた。今まで何度も一緒だったご夫妻が座っていたので「別のTableがいい」と言った。「だからお尋ねしたのです」と係は言った。そこまで覚えていて気にしているとは立派。結局新しい2組とご一緒した。AucklandとSacramentoの人だった。Sacramentoの話からOaklandの話になり、Aucklandと混乱した。そこで初めて知って驚いたのだが、彼らはOaklandとAucklandは発音が異なるという。米人に発音して貰ったら、確かに最初の母音が微妙に異なった。勉強になった。

December 3

At Sea

We are very fortunate that we don't have much swell these days. Cruise is very smooth.

Again, I had three lectures today; on tatoos in Polynesia, on possibility of intelligent creatures outside the earth, and on sharks.

Polynesian dancers had a dance class. I took pictures of dancers and guest students.

In the late afternoon, I participated in the scuba diving class at the pool on the top deck. Our instructor was Ms. Laura Brands, who had had a series of lectures on marine lives.

For the first time, we dined in Signature restaurant, which was the only on-the-cruise-ship Cordon Bleu restaurant. Sue appreciated the tastes and I appreciated our attractive waitress. Reservation is necessary but everything is free. It is a real luxury to dine in a restaurant like this for free.

幸運にもよい天気が続き、船はあまり揺れない。今日も3つの講義を聴いた。刺青、太陽系外高等生物の可能性、サメについての話だ。その合間にPolynesian Dancersのダンス講習会の写真を撮った。

5pmからScuba Diving Classに出席した。Scubaは見よう見まねで何度かやったけれど、正式には習っていないという負い目があったからだ。風邪を引いたのでどうしようか迷ったが、講師がカッコ良い女性の海洋研究者なので勇気を出して参加した。結局屋上プール脇で説明を聞いたのが8名、水に入ったのは米男性、独女性と私の3名だけだったので個人教授のようだった。大して新しいことを習った訳ではないが、また少し慣れた。

夕食で初めて、客船では唯一というCordon BleuのSignatureレストランに行った。Sueは味を高く評価し、私は美人Waitressを評価した。確かに超一流レストランの雰囲気があった。米陸軍の工兵系退役将校と一緒になった。予約は必要だが食事は無料だ。高級だが構えた雰囲気のレストランがこれで、次が大レストラン、もっと気軽にくだけたい人は11階の中レストランだと理解した。

December 4

At Sea

Again, I listened to three lectures today; on Hubble Telescope, on the life of Gauguin and on whales.

I could take a photo, for the first time, of the beautiful commercial smile of a Polynesian dancer.

We dined with a Japanese couple of Mr. & Mrs. Kadota.


初めてPolynesian Dancerの見事な笑顔を写真に収めることに成功した。営業用の笑顔ではあるが美しいと思った。


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