December 5

At Sea

Note that the left half is in Japanese English and the right half is in genuine Japanese.

Today, we participated in Bridge Tour and Galley Tour. The bridge was located in the bow on Deck 10. Nearby were cabins of the captain and other officers. The ship was in the automatic navigation mode. The big console included; a radar, a control console with a small steering wheel used only in a manual mode, an individual pod maneuvering console, GPS, and a traditional chart desk where the position is written in once every hour probably for the recording purpose. The pod maneuvering console was duplicated in both right and left wings, for use for docking. Mariner has diesel engine electrical generators and pods, which are electrical motors and propellers. Pods can be turned 360 degrees, and therefore, tug boats is unnecesary any more.

We didn't quite understand English of Chief Chef in the Galley Tour, maybe French English, but we could understand the general idea how the Galley was operated and were impressed by the scale of operation. Some food is prepared beforehand, but others are done on order. Waiter comes into the galley just like we do in a caffeteria to order and pick up necessary food. Desert section was used commonly by all restaurants in the ship.

We took dinner in a small restaurant named "Latitude". It had a fixed menu featuring Indochina. Sue appreciated food, but I could not because of less appetite probably due to the side effect of the drug to control coughs. I went to bed early, but coughs prevented me from sleeping well. I thought that the cough control drug was causing more coughs.

今日はBridge TourとGalley Tourに参加した。Bridgeは10階の船首にあった。自動運転モードだったが、天気が悪いので監視員が2名、双眼鏡を手にして海を監視していた。操作卓には、レーダ、手動用の小さな運転ホイールの付いた操作部、Podを個別に操作できる手動操作部、GPS、多分記録のために毎時間位置を記入する伝統的な机があった。左右双方に突き出ているBridgeの一方に出てみた。船の側面がよく見えるので、接岸操作には便利だ。この船はPod Systemだ。Diesel Engineで発電し、Podと呼ぶ電気モータ+20ftのプロペラを回す。伝統的なEngineのような巨大なシャフトはないから、音は静かだし効率が良い。Podは360度回転するので、タグボ−トが不要で舵も無い。

厨房を案内してくれたChief Chefの英語は仏系なのかよく聞き取れなかったが、大体は理解でき、その規模に感心した。前もって用意できる料理は用意しておくが、その場で料理するこのもある。我々がCaffeteriaでするように、Waiterが料理を注文し、受け取って持ち出すシステムであった。材料は米国本社で用意し、コンテナに詰めて港に送り付けるのが基本だが、国によっては(例え開封せず船に積むのであっても)食物の輸入を許可しない所もあり、別の港を使うなど苦労があるという話だった。

夕食はLatitudeという小さな家庭的なレストランを予約していた。今週はインドシナ特集のFixed Menuで、沢山の種類のものが少しずつ出た。Sueは喜んだが、私はあまり食べられなかった。咳止めとして船医から貰った薬が甘いシロップで、食欲を無くしているようだった。早めにベッドに入ったが、咳が止まらず就寝に苦労した。咳止めの薬を貰う前よりも悪いので、薬が逆に効いているように思い、呑むのを止めようと決心した。

December 6

Bora Bora

I got up early as usual and went up to the top deck at 5:15am for viewing around. The ship was still moving but approaching the anchor point. It was a gorgeous view. Mt. Otemanu was a rock mountain in front of us partly covered with white cloud. The sun was about to rise behind the island. A church with red roofs and other houses were being seen more clearly. On the other side of ship, we could see Bora Bora Lagoon Resort, with many cottages built on the surf.

We took an early tender to arrive at the port earlier and walked around a shopping center. There we saw a black pearl carved with a dolphin. We found it interesting and bought for Sue's pendant.

In the morning, we got on a glass bottom boat, which a brother operated, and his sister explained and swam to collect fish. Coral reefs on white sands were pretty. When the sister swam beneath the boat to collect fish by feeding, many fish came under our glass bottom. It was a fun.

We took lunch in the shopping center and walked around again, visiting a black pearl shop with a Japanese signboard and with a Japanese lady clerk.

We got on "le truck", which we didn't know but found just a truck with pasengers' seat attached. The truck drove around the island closkwise in 20 km/hr. The only highway in this island was full of pits, and we could not drive faster. We stopped from time to time for photos, but it was basically looking around and being acquainted with the island.

In the evening, there was a party on the poolside deck featuring Polynesian songs and dances. But every lady came with cloths with flower patterns, and Sue was shocked and resigned into the cabin. She found a sweater of flower patterns and went out for dinner.

いつものように早起きして、5:15amには屋上に出て景色を見回した。船はまだ動いていたが、投錨地に近付いていた。素晴らしい景色だ。目の前には火山の名残である岩山Mt. Otemanuがそびえ、一部白い雲に覆われている。日の出が近いので雲が段々ピンクに染まる。明るくなるにつれて、麓の赤い屋根の教会や、その他の家々が段々はっきり見えてきた。緑に覆われた村だ。船の反対側にはBora Bora Lagoon Resortが見える。沢山の小屋が波の上に作られている。

早めのランチで上陸し、周辺を見て回った。少し離れた所にShopping Centerがあり、黒真珠の店があったので入ってみた。黒真珠に彫刻を施し珍しい珠があったので、Sueのペンダントに購入した。

午前はGlass Bottom Boatに乗った。兄が船を操縦し妹が説明したり潜ったりするという分担だ。船の中央にガラス窓があり、両側に座った人が覗き込む。真っ白な砂の上の珊瑚礁が美しい。そこに魚が泳ぐ。或る場所で船を止め、妹が魚を追い込み、餌でおびきよせたので、沢山の魚がガラス窓の下に来た。

昼食を岸のShopping Centerでとり、また周囲を散歩した。日本語で黒真珠と書いてある店があり、入ってみるとなかなか高級な店だった。日本人は英語は話せないという前提で、今日本人店員は他の客の相手をしているから一寸待ってくれと言われた。美人の日本人だったので残念だったが、英語でWindow Shoppingをして出た。

午後はLe Truckというものに乗った。何かと思ったら本当にトラックだった。荷台の上に座席と屋根を付けただけの車だった。観光案内をしながら、また時々は写真撮影のために停車しつつ、島を時計回りでまわった。


December 7

Moorea and Papeete

The ship anchored in Cook's Bay of Moorea Island at 8am. We took a tender to the shore, and went out by a boat for a "Dolphin Watching Expediation". Our guide was a PhD educated in US, and his English was very understandable.

Dolphins are said to come to play at openings of the coral reefs. We went at first to the nearest opening, but no dolphins could be seen. We went to east along the north shore to find no dolphins, either. Then we went to west side of the north shore to find nothing. The boat turned to the west shore and tried a couple of places, in vain. Finally, when we went about half around the island and when we began to become pessimistic, we saw dolphins at last. They came towards our boat, jumped spinning, showed their backs. A wonderful experience.

We came back to the port and did some shopping of black pearls for souvenirs.

The ship departed Moorea at 5pm and arrived at Papeete at 7pm. Meanwhile, there was a show by 15-year-old students of a hotel school in Papeete, who got on the ship in advance at Moorea. Then we got off the ship for a short while to walk around the port. Then we joined to see Polynesian Show on the Poolside deck.

船はMoorea島のCook's Bayに8amに投錨した。我々はすぐランチで上陸し、Dolphin Watching Expeditionという大げさな名のTourに参加した。ボートのガイドは米国で教育を受けたPhDで、分かりやすい英語を話した。

Dolphinは、島を取り囲む珊瑚礁の切れ目の深みに遊びに来るという。MarinerはMooreaの北海岸に居たので、まず一番近くの切れ目に我々の小船は行ったが音沙汰なし、北海岸の東端の切れ目に行ったが、そこも駄目、北海岸の西の方の切れ目を二三当たったがどこにも居なかった。仕方なく西海岸の探検に出掛け、どこに行っても駄目なので、悲観的になりかけた頃、出発点から島を半周した辺りの切れ目で30頭ほどのDolphinの群が遊んでいるのに出くわした。水中で遊んで時々息をしに水面に現れ、ついでに長さ方向を軸として二三回回転するのでSpinning Dolphinという種類だ。その回転を2回見ることができた。


5pmに船はMooreaを発ち、7pmにはお隣のPapeeteに接岸した。その間予め乗船したPapeeteのHotel学校の生徒15歳20-30名によるShowが行われた。PoolsideでBBQバーベキューとPolynesiaをテーマとした大パーティが行われたが、BBQは何となく馴染めず、主レストランに行ったら、同様な考えの人が来ていた。船を下りて港を少し散歩した。それからPoolsideのPolynesian Showを1時間ほど見た。

December 8


I got up early as usual and went out for a walk at 5:30am. It was already light. In a small park on the seashore, I found a memorial for suffering from French nuclear tests in French Polynesia. I visited Palais Presidentiel, Assembly, and Notre Dame Cathedral. Then I visited a small park named Bougainville Park, and asked a pretty girl there to let me take her picture.

At 9 am, we set out for a bus trip, which was a failure. It was titled "In Paul Gauguin's footsteps", but two museums including Gauguin Museum were poor, and it took 4.5 hours instead of announced 3.5 hours. We didn't have time to walk in the street of Papeete after the trip.

The ship left Papeete at 2:20 pm.

I counted passengers by countries as follows;

USA 359 76.2%
Canada 34 7.2%
Australia 23 4.9%
UK 13 2.8%
Switzerland 10 2.1%
Other Europe 16 3.4%
Japan 4 0.8%
Others 12 2.5%
471 100.0%


大統領官邸は瀟洒な建物だった。隣に南国らしい国会があった。昼間は賑やかだろうと思われる商店街を通ってNotre Dame寺院を訪れた。朝早くから、礼拝がある訳でもないのに、中には大勢が祈を捧げに来ていた。小さな公園に美人が居たので写真を撮らせてもらった。



December 9

At Sea

The ship is cruising towards our last port of call, Nuku Hiva in Marquesas Island. We noticed swell on the sea surface, but fortunately the ship didn't sway so much.

I attended two lectures in the morning; The astronomy lecture showed many weather-astronomy-related pretty photos and the biology lecture showed many photos of birds and marine creatures in Marquesas Island.

We dined at Signature restaurant again. A friend requested me to report to him what food we were taking. So I asked Sue to memorize what she ate. She gave me illustration of food she took. I don't remember what I ate very well.

The evening entertainment was by an old female pianist Pearl Kaufman, who was very active in motion picture music in Hollywood. The performance was very strong and moving. We bought a signed CD. She asked us our names and wrote them down on the jacket.

船は最後の寄港地Marquesas諸島Nuku Hivaに向けて航海中だ。よく見るとウネリはあるが、有難いことにその割には揺れない。


Cordon BleuのレストランSignatureに予約の電話を入れたら、今晩でも空いているというので早速入れて貰った。Pennsilveniaで働きCaliforniaに避寒別荘を持った10年先輩の米夫妻と楽しく食事した。この奥さんから今晩はThe most beautiful woman onboardと食事できて良かったとSueは言われ、最大限のお世辞と分かっていても気を良くした。

夜のショーは、昔Hollywoodで映画音楽に活躍したという女性Pianist Pearl Koufmanだった。最初眠りかけていたが、途中から演奏の迫力で目が覚め、CDを買って帰った。我々の名を聞き、Jacketに名を書き込んでくれた。

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