February 24

At sea

    Shig attended a few lectures. We had the second formal evening and Sue wore a cream colored kimono. It was very much appreciated by everyone. We had a wonderful dinner with Vaughan $ Maureen and Bill & Carol.

    In the evening, we saw two shows; A very dynamic songs and dances by a ballroom champion couple and Regent Singers & Dancers. And later Copacavana Show by local singers and dancers.

Shigは二つ三つ講義を聞いた。我々にとっての2度目のFormalの日で、Sueはクリーム色の夏の着物を着て、皆から注目された。夕食にはFloridaで近所同士というVaughan $ Maureen、Bill & Carolと楽しい時間を過ごした。Vaughanは元MarineでHealthcare、Billは元Westinghouse。

夜は二つのショーを見た。ダンス国際コンクールで優勝したというカプルと、Regent Singers and Dancersのダイナミックなショーがあった。それが終わってから、Copacavanaショーを見に行った。Rioから乗船させたという10名ほどの男女のSingers and DancersがSambaショーを行い、皆に踊らせたが、我々は夜遅かったので途中で帰った。

February 25

Salvador de Bahia

    The ship docked at Salvador de Bahia, a UNESCO World Heritage, around 1pm. Then almost everyone participated in the only one bus tour of sightseeing the city in a dozen buses.

    The historic part of the city, with cathedrals, churches and historic buildings, has not changed much since we visited here 8 years ago. The commercial part of the city looked more prosperous. If there were no pachaging problem, Shig would have bought an oil painting or two. Actually Sue bought a small doll for memory.

    In the evening there was held a BBQ-Samba party. We went to the pool deck half an hour late, and had difficulty to find seats. Fortunately Mrs. Miller found Sue and invited us to the same table. Samba show was the same as what we saw yesterday, but Shig could take photos.

船は1pm頃Salvador de Bahiaに接岸した。世界遺産の町だ。それから、用意された唯一のツアにほとんど全員が参加し、十数台のバスに分乗して同じコースの市内観光に向かった。


夜はBBQ-Samba祭が行われた。Pool Deckに行くのが30分ほど遅かったので、席を見つけるのに苦労している所を、Mrs. MillerがSueを見つけてくれて我々を同一テーブルに招待してくれた。Sambaショーは昨夜見たのと同じ内容だったが、近くで写真が撮れた。黒人男性と白人女性のペアが官能的な踊りを見せた。

February 26

At sea

    Shig attended two lectures, with Sue in the second lecture, on (1) destinations and (2) Rio and Olympics.

    Shig went to the barber shop.

    In the evening, there was held block parties. Passengers in each block got out to the passage to talk with neighbors, and the captain and main officers circulated very quickly.

    For the dinner, we were invited by Mr. & Mrs. Miller to a six Party table. Mrs. Miller wanted to sit next to Sue. We enjoyed conversation.



夕方はBlock Partyが行われた。各Blockの船客がそれぞれ廊下に出て、ご近所様と仲良くなる催しで、船長以下上級士官が素早く全体を回る。Rioから乗船した何人かと顔見知りになった。


February 27

At sea

    We are at sea almost all day long until we arrived at Fortaleza around 7 pm. We aimed at a quick dinner but congestion delayed our dinner and we got on a bus barely in time. Every passenger was invited by Regent to Theatro Jose de Alencar, built in 1910 with steel and iron imported from Scotland.

    We saw performances of creative dances by children and youths. Not necessarily interesting to Shig, who doesn't have specific knowledge in this area. We hear that a local woman is training those youths from poor district so that they can live better off in the future.

比較的静かな外洋を一日中航海して、夕方7pmにFortalezaに到着した。素早く夕食を採ろうとしたが混んで長く待たされ、ギリギリでバスに乗った。Regentが全員をTheatro Jose de Alencarに招待した。1910年建設の市自慢の劇場で、Scotlandから輸入した鋼鉄と鋳物で出来ている。


February 28


    The ship was scheduled to depart in the afternoon, therefore, sightseeing was held in the morning. We took a bus and went to Velas do Cumbuco beyond the west end of Fortaleza.

    We got on a buggy, which drove us through bumpy sand dunes. Shig slid on a sand slope on a sliding board. There were fresh water lakes among sand dunes with cashew nuts trees.

    We returned to a beach house and palm fruits for juice were served. Shig swam for a short period of time. Sand and water looked very clean.

The bus took us then to a shopping center in the former prison, and we bought some souvenirs. Our next stop was a wooden pier named English Pier, just to breathe the sea wind.

船の出帆は午後なので、午前中の観光が行われた。我々はバスでFortaleza東端の港地区から、公害の酷い市内の海を横目で見ながら、西端を超えて西に向かい、Velas do Cumbucoに行った。



バスで旧刑務所のショッピングセンタに行った。監獄の1室ずつが店になっている。2002年にも来たので2度目だ。次にEnglish Pierと呼ばれる木製の桟橋に行き、海風を吸った。

March 1

At sea

    In the morning, we attended two lectures on Amazon. One was by the story-teller on board, Terry Breen, and the other was by a celebrity oceanologist, Jean-Michel Cousteau. Terry's talk was, as always, very easy to understand.

    As we were crossing the equator again, there was Equator Crossing Ceremony, though in a strong rain. It was, as usual, just a horseplay, but we can see it very rarely.

午前中にAmazonに関する講義を2つ聞いた。1つはStory-tellerのTerry Breenでいつもながら分かりやすい英語で助かる。もう1つは有名な海洋学者Jean-Michel Cousteauで、英語は分かりにくいがVideoが多くて助かった。


March 2

At Amazon

    The sea was found muddy when the day broke, even though the mouth of the river was still more than 100 km away. Probably the muddy water appeared soon after the night fell.

    In the afternoon, the ship entered into Amazon. The width of the river was about 30 km, according to the electronic map on PC. Both banks of rain forest were seen far away. Around 4pm, the ship anchored momentarily near the town of Macapa, and officials came onboard by a boat for procedures.

    In the morning, Shig listened to a lecture on Amazon by Terry, again. She emphasized importance of not buying souvenirs which would directly or indirectly harm the nature of Amazon.

    Ray Solaire's show was great again this evening, with his singing and puppet shows. He is said to be wealthy enough that he doesn't have to work for money any more, but he works as the cruise director only because he loves to work. It is our great luck that he is the cruise director onboard our ship.




午後遅く行われたCruise Director, Ray Solaireの歌と操り人形と腹話術による歌のショーは相変わらず素晴らしいものだった。彼は既に充分な資産家で金のために働く必要は無いのだが、好きでCruise Directorをやっているとか。Shigにも通じる面がある。彼が偶々この船のCruise Directorで彼のショーを見られることは我々の幸運だ。招待されているどのアーティストよりもすごい。

March 3

Alter Do Chao

    We continued to sail upstream on Amazon until we arrived at a small town of Alter do Chao at 3pm.

    Around noon, we passed by a fairly large town of Santarem. We saw two churches, several high-rise buildings, many two-storied boats for sightseeing and transportation moving around, and many people on the white beaches bathing in the river.

    At Alter do Chao, as soon as we arrived at the town by a tender, Dr. Hsieh was enticed by a local people to take a boat tour around Lago Verde. We agreed to join and four people of the two couples got on a motor boat. Lago Verde is essentially a flood basin with beaches and mangroves, and we saw many birds like vultures, eagles, cormorants etc. Towards the end of the tour, we landed at Ilha do Amor, or Island of Love, with beautiful sand beach. After the tour, we walk around the town and visited shops and stalls, which all were selling similar things.

    We had an enjoyable dinner with a couple from Brisbane, Australia and one from Philadelphia, both of whom graduated from University of Illinois.

Amazonを遡り続け、3pmに小さな町Alter do Chaoに到着した。


TenderでAlter do Chaoに到着するや否や、先行のDr. Hsiehが地元の男に、Lago Verdeを周回するボートの旅をしないかと誘われていて、我々も同行することにし、2夫婦4人で小舟に乗った。Lago VerdeはLago=湖とはいうが、Amazonの支流Rio Tapajosが溢れた低地と見えた。白浜とマングローブがある。マングローブに水から近付いたのは初めてだと思う。禿鷹、鷲、鵜などが居た。最後にIlha do Amor=愛の島に上陸した。白浜が美しく、水着で楽しむ人が多かった。町に戻ってからどこも同じような土産物店を覗き、娘たちのダンスを見た。


March 4

Boca Da Valeria

    The ship anchored at 7am near a small Indian village of Boca da Valeria and we got on the first tender to go ashore.

    On the shore, a couple of Michael and Barbara went on into the jungle followed by a local man. So we just followed them. They walked along a narrow trail in the rain forest for one mile and then returned on the same trail. On our way, we saw red fllowers, bananas, mangos, termites, a huge spider, etc. and heard sounds of birds and monkeys. The local man invited us to see his house, where we met his wife and daughter.

    When we walked back to the pier, another local man, Antonio, who turned out to be a school teacher, enticed us for a boat ride upstream on a small river to his community. Along the way, we saw vultures, cormorants, eagles and other birds. He took us uphill to his house in the community to introduce us to his family, and to a church, school etc.

    Then we walked around the community near the pier to look for anything interesting. The ship departed at 2pm.

船は7amにIndianの小さな村Boca da Valeriaの近くに停泊し、私共は最初のTenderで岸に向かった。

岸からMichael & Barbara夫妻はどんどん熱帯雨林に入って行く。その後を初老の男が行く。後で考えれば、彼は船客に自宅を見せてチップを稼ぐつもりだったと思うのだが、夫妻は男の家を通り越し、自ら課した1 mile歩く目標に向かって登った。訳が分からぬまま私共は後を追った。夫妻は1 mileで引き返した。その間、赤い花2種類、バナナ、マンゴ、白蟻の巣、10cmもある巨大な蜘蛛などを見て、鳥と猿の鳴き声を聞いた。男は我々を自宅に招き、我々2人だけが訪れた。妻と娘が居た。



March 5


    Before arriving at Manaus, the ship crossed "meeting of the waters", where white water of Solimoes and black water of Rio Negro meet and flow side by side for several miles.

    As soon as we arrived at Manaus, we changed to a two-storeyed small boat and visited Lago Janauari, and then to a ten-people smaller boat to cruise around the lake to see indigenous people's houses, huge lotus leaves and birds. This lake was located next to UNESCO World Heritage "Central Amazon Conservation Complex". Then, with the two-storeyed boat, we cruised downstream to see the meeting of the waters again, this time within the arm's length. It is interesting that two waters don't mix easily.

    As the boat returned to the pier and we came back to our cabin, Shig set out again into the town without properly eating lunch. Shig went to Teatro Amazonas and found a Japanese restaurant "Himawari" near there to see Mama, whom someone introduced me to see.

    After Sue had rested enough, we got out again to see Teatro Amazonas, again for Shig but for more details.

    In the dinner, interestingly, three couples around the table were related with IBM, Microsoft and Toshia (we), and we had an enjoyable conversation.


Manausに到着して直ぐ、2階建ての小さな船に乗り換えてLago Janauariを訪れた。そこで更に10人乗りの小舟に乗り換えて湖の自然を観賞した。この湖は世界遺産「Central Amazon Conservation Complex」に隣接している。現地人の家、巨大なハスの葉、各種の鳥などを見た。現地人がナマケモノやワニを持って来て、写真を撮らせチップを要求した。もう一度2階建ての船に乗り換えて、流れを下り上記合流点に行った。今度は手の届く所に合流の不思議さがある。ガイドは両方をコップに汲んで比べて見せた。

船が桟橋に戻り我々が船室に帰って直ぐShigはろくに昼飯をとることなく町に出た。町一番の観光施設Teatro Amazonasに行き、近くの日本料理店「ひまわり」のママを訪ねた。紹介してくれた人が居たからだ。なかなか流行っている店のようだった。「お茶でも」と言われたが時間が無かったのでそのまま失礼した。

Sueは充分休んでいたので、今度は2人で町に出て、Shigにとっては2度目のTeatro Amazonasはガイドに付いて詳しく見た。


March 6


    The ship was scheduled to arrive at Parintins at noon, but actually it arrived at 7am, to our surprise. Captain explained that there was a patient who needed treatment in emergency, and therefore that the ship sailed in the mazimum speed during the night and that faster stream helped.

    After finishing lunch earlier, we went ashore around 1pm. We walked around the town, but not much to see.

    The Boi Bumba show started around 3pm and lasted for an hour. Parintins is the place where competition of Boi Bumba dances is held each year to welcome 20-30 thousand guests. We saw its essence. It looked like Samba, but its rythms and costumes were more indigenous.



Boi Bumbaショーは3pm前に始まった。Parintinsでは毎年1回このダンスのコンペが行われ、それを見に20-30千人がやってくるとのこと。そのサワリだけを見たのであろう。船客全員をRegentが招待した。サンバに似ていたが、リズムやコスチュームはもっとIndian的だ。

March 7


    The ship docked at Santarem in early morning, and young male and female dancers welcomed us. We set out by bus to look around the city and a farm outside the city.

    We visited first the oldest cathedral in the city and then the museum, both of which were not very striking. Then we went uphill to Praca(Plaza) Mirante do Tapajos and watched clear water of Rio Tapajos meets with muddy water of Amazon. It was more striking than meeting of the waters in Manaus. It was also intersting to find that WIFI and AC power was available in this plaza.

    Then the bus took us to a farm away from the city. There we saw rubber tree latex collection, how to make tapioca from Cassava=Kappa, and various kinds of fruits.

    Being Sunday, there is no open shop, and therefore, we bought a key chain on the pier.


最初に最古の聖堂を訪れ、礼拝が終わるのを待って見学した。博物館で先史時代の遺物から始まる市の歴史を見た。丘に登りPraca(Plaza) Mirante do Tapajosから川を見ると、Amazon本流の白い水にTapajos川の澄んだ水が合流し2色になっているのが見え、丘から見るだけにManausの合流を見るより迫力があった。このPlazaにはWIFIとAC電源があった。


日曜なので店は開いておらず、桟橋の露店でKey Chainを買った。

March 8

At sea

    In early morning of 4am, the ship stopped off Macapa at the mouth of the river and cleared formalities. Then the ship sailed north on the muddy white water from Amazon. Only around 4pm, the water color had changed to normal sea color.

    Shig attended a few lectures in the morning.

    In the evening, there was a cocktail party to host passengers, including us, with records of larger numbers of nights onboard.




March 9

Devil's Island

    We anchored off Devil's Islands of French Guiana around 2pm. More correctly, there were three islands collectively named "Iles du Salut" meaning "salvation islands", or sometimes collectively "Devil's Islands", which were used by France as penal facilities until 1946. The three islands were (1) Ile Royale where administration and relatively minor convicts were accommodated, (2) Ile Saint-Jpseph for medium convicts and (3) Ile du Diable = Devil's Island for the heaviest punishment. We landed at Ile Royale.

    In the heat, we walked around governor's residence, main hall --> hotel, chapel, hospital, prisons etc. Beautiful were the sea shores, palm trees, flamboyant flowers, Iguanas, etc.

    The islands are parts of France, and they use Euros. Shig bought only one key chain in the shop of the hotel.

少し遅れて2pm頃、仏領Guianaの沖にあるDevil諸島の沖に投錨した。正確に言えば、3つの島はSalut諸島=救援諸島と総称されているが、時にDevil諸島とも俗称される。昔仏領Guianaの開拓に来た仏人が熱帯病で死に絶えそうになった時、生き残った人たちが環境の良いこの島で帰還船を待ったからであり、その後仏が過酷な監獄を建設したからでもある。3つの島は、(1)管理施設と比較的軽い囚人が居たIle Royale、(2)中間的囚人のIle Saint-Joseph、(3)最も重い囚人を収容したIle du Diable=Devil島から成る。我々はIle Royaleに上陸した。


島は仏海外県なのでEuroを使っていた。収集しているKey Chainだが、ホテルの売店に1個だけあった素晴らしいものを入手した。

March 10

At sea

    The ship sailed out into the ocean of the depth more than 3,000 m, and the water color turned to deep navy blue. But we felt little swells and we continued relatively calm cruising.

    There was one of the series of lectures by a oceanologist Jean-Michel Cousteau. And Sue attended a cooking demonstration by the Le Cordon Bleu Chef onboard.

    We had probrbly the last show by the cruise director, Mr. Ray Solaire. We always marvel at his singing and his puppet handling.


海洋学者Jean-Michel Cousteau氏の最後に近い講義があった。Sueは船のLe Cordon Bleu Chefによる料理教室に出席した。大劇場が会場だったので見えるか心配したが、Video Screenで拡大表示されたのと双眼鏡のおかげで大変参考になった。

Cruise DirectorであるRay Solaire氏による恐らく最後のショーがあった。いつも彼の歌と操り人形には感心の他はない。

March 11


    In the morning, the ship docked at Bridgetown, Barbados. For us, it was the second visit after the first visit in 2002. We remembered the port and the road outside the port. There were three other cruise ships already docked.

    While Sue wanted to rest, Shig went out into the town and saw Parliament, churches, and the street atmosphere. Then we together set out again into the shops on the pier. We felt that black people in this country were happy, because this is a country of black people, and because their living standards are fairly high.

    After the lunch, we took a bus to Concorde Museum located near Barbados International Airport. Regent invited all-circle guests. It was for the first time that we see Concorde in the short distance or to get into inside. Why a Concorde in Barbados ? Because Concordes used to fly into Barbados regularly in the weekends from New York, London and Paris.

    The company table didn't work and we switched to a smaller table for us two.



昼食後バスでBarbados国際空港に隣接するConcorde展示場に行った。Regentが65泊の一巡客を招待した。ShigはWashington, D.C.空港でConcordeの離陸を見たことはあったが、近くで見て内部にまで入ったのは初めてだ。なぜConcordeがBarbadosに? Barbadosには毎週末Concordeの定期便がNew York、London、Parisから飛んできていたという。その縁で展示を希望し実現した。

Company Tableはうまくいかず、2人用に切り替えた。

March 12

St. John's

    The ship continued to sail north in the morning. We passed by a volcanic island named Montserrat. Around noon, we arrived at St. John's of Antigua.

    A bus took us to the southern tip of the island. Englishmen built here an extensive fortification to cope with Frenchmen stationed in Montserrat. When Admiral Nelson was still a captain of 26 years of age, he was stationed here to command English navy. Antigua set aside the whole area of English fortification as Nelson's Dockyard National Park. We visited various places in the park to see the mariner of the old dockyard, and tops of the hills to command the views.

    When we returned to the pier, Shig walked around the town of St. John's. The island was found another country of black people, descendants of sugar farm slaves.

    In the evening, we all-circle passengers were invited to a party at the bow of the ship, the place usually not open.

    We had dinner with the cruise director, Ray Solaire, and a couple from Ireland. Ray kindly invited us. Ray was found an interesting entertainer with many jokes and anecdotes.

午前中は船は北上を続けた。途中にMontserratという火山島の沖を過ぎた。今年1-2月にも噴火したばかりだという。正午ごろAntiguaのSt. John'sに接岸した。

バスで島の南端に行った。Montserratの仏軍に対抗するため、英軍はここに広大な要塞を築いたそうだ。後のNelson提督がまだ26歳の若い船長だった頃ここに駐在して英国海軍の責任者だったということで、Antiguaは一帯をNelson's Dockyard国立公園とした。そのあちこちを訪れながら、今は豪華ヨットが並ぶMarinerになっているDockyardや、それを見下ろす景色のよい高台の砲台跡などを訪れた。一帯は雨が少ないとかで、サボテンがあり、Century plantが幾つも花を咲かせていた。



夕食はCruise DirectorのRay Solaire氏と、Irelandの夫妻と一緒だった。Ray氏がなぜか親切に招いてくれた。氏は冗談や逸話を連発する楽しい人だった。判るかどうか心配だったのだが、判るように冗談を工夫してくれたのだと思う。

March 13

St. Thomas

    The ship docked at St. Thomas of US Virgin Islands around 7am, and soon US immigration procedure began. The official didn't know how to handle Japanese citizens and took some time, but it was quick enough.

    St. Thomas reminded us of Izu Peninsula because hills dropped into the sea, and hills are filled with villas up to the summits.

    A bus took us along the hill-top roads to overlook shorelines. And to a compact private commercial park named "Great House" on the hill-top. It is named so because a big beautiful house was its origin.

    After we returned to the ship, we set out again to eat Sushi in the near-by shop. It was a very Americanized Sushi but we enjoyed some Japanese flavor. Then we walked around the shopping center.

    We enjoyed dinner with Bill & Martha. They used to live in Tokyo and their pleasant memories revived.

米Virgin諸島のSt. Thomas島に7am頃接岸し、すぐ米国入国審査が始まった。係官が日本国民の扱い方を知らず若干手間が掛かったが、結構素早く処理して貰った。しかしこの係官は日本語で「有難うございます」と言った。多分日本人との付き合いはあるが、Cruiseで日本人を受けたことが無いのかも知れない。

St. Thomasは伊豆半島に似ている。山が直接海に落ち込んでおり、その山は頂上まで別荘で埋まっていたからだ。

バスで山の尾根道を行き、時々止まって四方の海岸線を見下ろす旅をした。緑濃く美しい海岸や我々の船を含む4隻の客船が見えた。最後はGreat Houseという名の私営公園で自然を楽しみ店を見て回った。名の由来は、大きく立派な家が発祥だったからだ。

船に戻ってから出直して、近くの寿司屋で寿司を食べた。米国化された寿司だったが、日本の香りを楽しめた。それからShopping Centerを歩き回り、宝石店が多いのに驚いた。Bernard K Passmanという芸術家がデザインした黒珊瑚の店がユニークだった。

Bill & Marthaと楽しい夕食をした。日本に駐在の経験があり楽しんだ思い出が蘇った。

March 14

At sea

    We packed 2 of 3 suite cases, and 2 of 3 hand carry bags. Because we are going to throw away many things, including books and Shig's shoes, the suite cases were not necessarily full.

    It was the last formal evening and Sue wore a black and golden Homon-gi. Sue in kimono was very much appreciated by many men and women. While our friends were waiting for Sue at the dinner table, Sue could not come into the restaurant because many in the entrance lounge noticed, took pictures of, talked with and appreciated Sue.

    The last night show by Regent singers and dancers were superb.

3個予定のうち2個のSuit Caseの荷作りをし、3個予定のうち2個の手荷物を終わった。読み終わったSueの文庫本やShigの革靴を含めて多くのものを捨て置いて行こうと思っているので、危惧したほどには荷作りが難しくはなさそうだ。


Regent singers and dancersの最後のショーはなかなか華やかで良かった。

March 15

At sea

    We spent an idle day. Fortunately, the sea was calm and the ship cruised without much sway. But Shig attended a lecture regarding "How Americans can ge along with foreigners", and we packed Sue's clothing as Sue gradually decide and release clothing which could be packed. Also a certain couple of passengers who visited Machu Picchu with us compiled a beautiful video program of that trip and showed it to us.

    Even today, many passengers praised Sue in kimono. One lady said Sue was beautiful and that she said "I know that lady." to others around her.

    Being not good at spending an idle day, Shig killed time by planning a certain game program.

比較的無為に1日を過ごした。幸い海は穏やかで船の揺れも少ない。Shigは元米大使の「米人が外人と付き合う方法」の講義を聴いた。Sueが詰め込んでもよい衣類を決めたり使用後に放出したりするのに合わせて徐々に荷造りを進めた。またMachu Picchuに我々と一緒に旅行した或る旅客夫妻が素晴らしいMachu Picchu旅行のVideo Programを作っていて、それを皆に公開してくれた。

今日になっても、Sueの着物姿が良かったと言ってくれる人が多く、ある女性は「I know that lady」と回りの人に自慢したと言ってくれた。


March 16

Fort Lauderdale

    The ship arrived at Fort Lauderdale before dawn. After custom clearance on all baggage offloaded, disembarkation started around 8am, beginning from the passengers having earlier flights. Since our flight was in late afternoon, we disembarked around 10:30, and arrived at Fort Lauderdale Airport around 11am.

    This time we opted to send all three suite cases to Tokyo by Luggage Free and Fedex. Therefore, we have only carry-in baggage for flights.

    We negotiated with American in the airport to change our flight to an earlier one, but all flights were full. We were worried about waiting in the airport as long as five hours, but we could kill time by walking around the airport, looking for restaurants, having lunch, and reading somethings, and time passed without much pain.

    American took off Fort Lauderdale on schedule at 4:05pm. The flight to Dallas was smooth. SkyLink, the renovated tram system linking terminals within the security check, was very convenient. We stayed at Grand Hyatt just in the terminal D just outside the security check.

船は夜明け前にFort Lauderdaleに到着した。雲からの日の出が空を赤く染めた。下船を待つ間にSueは多くの人から声を掛けられHugを繰り返した。船客の荷物が全部下ろされた8am頃から下船が始まった。飛行機の時間の順番なので、我々は一番後のグループとなり、10:30頃にやっと下船し、バスで空港に着いたのは11amくらいだった。

今回は悩んだ末、スーツケース3個ともLuggage Free社・Fedex社に家まで運んでもらうことにした。だからチェックインする荷物は無く、持込荷物だけになった。


AmericanはFort Lauderdaleを定刻4:05pmに発った。Dallasまでの飛行はスムースだった。Dallas空港のSkyLinkは、最近更新したTramで、空港内のTerminalをSecurity Checkの内側で結ぶ。Terminal DのSecurityの直ぐ外にあるGrand Hyattに我々は宿泊した。ConciegeがBoarding Passを発行できる権利を持っていて便利だ。

March 17-18

Trip home

    We slept very comfortably and got up fine in the morning of March 17. The exit of the hotel was the entrance to security check. We found a restaurant to take breakfast, and then stayed in the passengers' lounge "Admirals Club", watching this very big airport through the windows.

    The airplane took off on time and flew smoothly. Although the flight time of 12 hours 40 minutes was long, we could lie down on flattened seats for most of the time. We arrived at Narita earlier than the schedule around 1:30pm. After all, it took 18 hours from the hotel to the home; 2 hours in the airport, 13 hours in flight and 3 hours to cross Tokyo down town.

ゆっくり眠って快適に17日の朝を迎えた。チェックアウトしてエスカレータで1階に下りれば、そこは空港のSecurity Check入口だった。極めて便利なホテルだ。空港内のレストランで朝食をとり、Admirals Clubで広大な空港を眺めながら時を過ごした。当初は待ち切れるか心配したが杞憂だった。


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