November 3

At Sea

Note that the left half is in Japanese English and the right half is in genuine Japanese.

It was another day only at sea. In the early morning, I came up to the top floor to breathe the air of the ocean. I felt so comfortable that I ran on the top floor two times around, and used a driver club for the golf in a hitting range for some time. Then I felt a little dizzy for some anemia.

Sue and I attended in the 2 lectures. The first was again by Jean-Michel Cousteau. His video of the plankton world was super. He also talked about lives of whales and charks. We learned much from the second lecture about the history of Australia.

In the lunch, we greeted a Japanese lady sitting near our seat. She was one of the 5 Japanese of the group. She said she saw Sue last evening in the toilet. But apparently Sue didn't notice that the lady was a Japanese.

In the dinner we were seated with a Sydney financial controller, Bob, and his wife, Ann. They said that the trip from Singapore to come home to Sydney was almost like a domestic cruise and that they would enjoy the cruise life rather than the shore excursions. Interesting !!

It was an informal evening. I wore regular suits and Sue was in knit long dress with coral ornaments. Both of us ate salmon steaks. In late evening, a piano concert by Panos Karan was held. His Chopin was great, technically and sentimentally.


 午前は2人で2つの講義に出席した。最初は昨日に引き続き、海洋学者 Jean-Michel Cousteau の講義だった。Planktonの多様な世界のVideoが面白く、また鯨や鮫の生態も興味深かった。2番目の講義はAustraliaの太古からの歴史だった。Aboriginは4-6万年前から住んでいて世界で最も古い人類だったが、白人が入ってきてから殺戮と病気で人口が激減し、今では豪州の人口20Mに対して2.2%の人口比にしかならないと。



 今夜の舞台はPiano Concertだった。Panos KaranというPianistは技巧的にも感情的にもすごい演奏をした。

November 4


The smoothly cruising ship suddenly had vibration at 5:30am. It was vibration of casting anchors. I awoke Sue so that she could be prepared in time. While waiting in the theater, we met again with Richard & Lee from New York. Around 7am, we were led to a tender, which carried us to the shore. At a small pier, Balinese girls welcomed us by Balinese dance. We were led to one of the three mini-buses for an 8-hour sightseeing. Our guide was Ratna, and Herman and Detti from Belgium were our company.

We were first taken to a big Hindu temple in the town of Bangli in preparation for a festival on the day after tomorrow. The temple, Kehen Babgli, is the 11th century head temple worshiped by all Hindu people in Indonesia. There were many offerings of food, flowers and fruits. According to the guide, the offered food can not be touched until prayer will be finished. Then the food is not sacret any more, and anyone can take it home to eat. There were many small shrines in addition to the main shrine. And people were busy decorating the shrines. There was a huge banyan tree. When a young banyan tree should be found, people are supposed to weed it unless it is in the compound of a temple. So banyan tree grows only in temples.

Then we were led to a batik factory in the local capital city of Denpasar. We bought a hand-written batik describing a very Bali-like scenery. We went to a gold and silver craft factory in Celuk, a painting gallery, a wood carving factory in Mas, a painting museum in Ubud before arriving at a hotel in Ubud, Country Villas Cahayadewata, for a buffet lunch. The hotel was built on a steep slope, and the view below with terraced rice fields was great.

Finally we stopped by at the old court of justice at Klungkung, or the former residence of the local king, for watching paintings on the inside of the roof, flowers and old things in the museum.

A tender took us back to the ship, which soon departed. We took shower and put sweated chothing into a washing machine.

It was a casual evening. In the dinner, we were seated with performers, a baritone Matthew Wages and a dancer Ami Tollin. I took pasta, and Sue ate Chicken.



Sheraton Hotelでゆっくりして泳ぐといった表通りのコースを選択した人は普通の観光バスに、田舎道を行く我々はMini-Busに4名ずつ分乗した。1台ごとにカイドと運転手が付く。

最初はどんどん内陸に進み高度を上げてKehen Bangliという11世紀のHindu寺院で、Indonesia中のHindu教徒の大本山に行った。丁度2日後の月の祭の準備で人々が忙しく準備していた。Indonesia風の腰巻を借りて石段を登る。主神殿の左右に十数か所の祠があり、それぞれが飾り付けをしていた。ベルギー人が不思議がるので「多神教では神の嫉妬を得ないように皆を祀ることが大事」と答えたが、後で聞くと正解だった。多神教の日本人の感覚だ。

それから、地方首都のDenpasarでBatikの工場・展示即売店を訪れた。如何にもBaliという絵柄の手書きBatikを購入した。金と銀の手芸品の工場に連れて行かれたが、何も買わなかった。銀の細線を組み合わせた素敵な工芸品もあったが、引っ掛かったり汚れたりしそうだった。次に訪れた絵画の展示即売店では、気に入った絵があったので日本に送ってくれるか? と尋ねたら、送料を電話で聞いても判らないので止めた。次の木彫店でも同じ質問をしたら、1m3までUS$ 300だというので止めた。Ubudの絵画美術館を見てから、Ubud郊外のホテルで食事した。ホテルは斜面の上に建っていて、見下ろした棚田と川の景色が素晴らしかった。


ランチで船に戻ってすぐ船は出発した。今晩はCasualの日なので衣装は楽だった。夕食は船専属のアーティストと一緒になった。バリトンのMatthew(New York)とダンサのAmi(Glasgow)だった。若くて魅力的な二人だった。

November 5

Komodo Dragon

Two kinds of dragons are shown below.
The next destination of the ship for today was Komodo Island. Komodo is a UNESCO's world heritage site for huge lizards commonly called "Komodo Dragons". Last evening, I noticed that we didn't have the tickets, because they were not made available on Internet. I was the second to make a line in front of the ticket counter, which opened at 8am. As soon as I returned to the cabin, there was an announcement that tender service had begun. Sue was not yet prepared nor had taken breakfast, but I urged her to go out without breakfast.

A tender shuttle took us to the shore. We were led to the ranger's station and a group of guides, one English-speaking and 2 others, were assigned to our group of about 20. A guide spotted a dinosaur-shaped creature of 60cm or so, and said it was a baby Komodo Dragon. Two adult dragons were found beneath the floors of sightseeing facilities. Then we walked 1km into the forest, which was desolate in the dry season. Near the watering facility for dragons, we could see four more adult dragons.

We returned to the pier. The native people had about 20 open-sky stands to sell pearls, stone carving, wood carving etc. I bought small things. Pearl necklaces were crazily cheap, $5-$10, but Sue didn't buy any.

The ship departed at 1pm for Darwin, Australia, and we listened to a lecture about Darwin.

It was another casual evening. We dined with Elike, a young hotel manager from Austria, Julian, from a jewerler in London, Allen and Ellen, both lawyers from Portland. Sue took scallop and I took pasta, again.

今日はIndonesiaのKomodo島の日だ。世界遺産の自然公園があり、Komodo Dragonと呼ばれる大トカゲが居ると。出発前にInternetで予約出来なかった参加券を、船内の窓口が開く前から日本流に並んで入手し、10am出発と書いてあったので安心していたら、8am過ぎに「もう出発可能」とアナウンスがあったので、大慌てでSueを急がせ、気の毒にも朝飯抜きで、投錨地から岸までランチで往復した。

Ranger Stationで黒布にカラフルな刺繍を施した帯を首に掛けられた。つまり入場料に含まれて地元に貢献した。20名ほどの船客に英語のできるガイドが1人、他が2人付いて出発した。観光施設の周りや床下に3頭のトカゲが居た。ジッとしている時は全く動かないが、歩き始めると結構速い。これなら隠れていて飛び出せば鹿でも食いつけるかも知れない。





November 6

At Sea

We had another day at sea at leisure. The first lecture in the morning was again about our destinations.

Then I was busy all day to have our pictures and travel logs in order.

We were invited by the captain for dinner this informal evening. Since I have brought only one suite, I didn't have any trouble deciding what to wear. But Sue thought about eagerly which dress and accessories to wear.

Sue was seated next to the captain. We were a party of 10, including the captain. Bruce and Tania were both businesspersons in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. A ship personnel in the photoshop brought his parents from India. A businessman couple of ages higher than ours might have been from Europe, judging from their atmosphere. We could communicate with others fairly well.




船長を入れて10名のTableだったが、Sueは船長の左、私がその左に席が設けられていた。この船で写真係を務める24歳の人が今回は印度から両親を連れてきた。Lake Tahoeでご主人は投資家、やりての奥さんは社長というご夫婦がいて、もう一組のお年上の夫婦は欧州の事業家のような雰囲気だった。結構会話ははずんだ。

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