April 24, 2002

    Two cruise-only days have begun. The ship is cruising along the Brazilian coast to the north. It was good for Shig to catch up with the travel log and to make many pictures in order, because we were so busy in Rio de Janeiro and Iguacu Falls, followed by Salvador. It was good for Sue to recover her energy consumed in the exceptionally busy days.

    When we returned from Iguacu, we found the ship crowded with new passengers. The average age of the passengers must have been decreased. Apparently many people embarked at Rio to take only the last segment of the world cruise. Again, Shig analyzed the directory of passengers at the departure from Rio.
@ Accommodation capacity 490
@ Total number of passengers listed 304
Florida95      31.3%
California60      19.2%
Texas17       5.6%
South Calorina  9       3.0%
Virginia  8       2.6%
Arizona  7       2.3%
Non-US37      12.2%
   Canada=7, Britain=6, Argentina=Australia=South Africa=Brazil=4, Japan=2

    It was an "Informal" evening. Sue wore white embroidered jacket. We dined with two couples of new passengers, Richard & Teri from Stockton, California, and John & Shirley from Canada. Shig ate meat and Sue ate pasta.

 今日から2日間は航海だけの日だ。船はBrazilの東北海岸沿いに北に航行している。重悳にとっては好都合で、旅行記の遅れを取り戻し沢山撮った写真の整理をした。Rio de JaneiroとIguacuの滝では忙しかった上にSalvadorの観光があったから。スミヱにとってはこの例外的に忙しかった日々で消費したエネルギーを回復するのに丁度良かった。


 Informalの夕べで、スミヱは白い刺繍の上着を着た。一緒に食事したのは、2組の新しい乗客で、California州Stocktonから来たRichard & Teri、Canadaから来たJohn & Shirleyだった。Johnは日本に商売で来たことが大変よい思い出だったらしく、熱心にその話をした。重悳は肉をスミヱはパスタを食べた。

April 25, 2002

    We listened to two lectures today. One by the entertainment organizer of the ship, and the other on Hemmingway by a professor from University of Tampa. Sue was especially interested in the latter.

    Shig had successfully caught up with the travel log. Meanwhile we saw outside our window several seagulls flying together with the ship. We wondered why but someone told us that they were hunting flying fish, which would fly away from the ship.

    We had an enjoyable "Informal" dinner with old friends, Bill & Phyl, and Ray. Maxin, Ray's wife, didn't come to the dinner this evening. Shig ate huge T-bone steak, and Sue took salmon fillet.



 楽しい"Informal"ディナを共にしたのは、もう古い友人になったBill & PhylとRayだった。Rayの奥さんのMaxinは今日は夕食に来なかった。重悳は巨大なT-boneステーキを、スミヱはサケの切り身を食べた。

April 26, 2002

    The ship arrived at Fortaleza around 7am. Unfortunately it was raining, for the first time, except showers, in this cruise. At 9am, our bus tour started. But soon we learnt that there was no significant sightseeing resources in this only 270 years old city, except beautiful beaches and cheap handcrafts. We visited a cathedral and a theater built only in early last century, a shopping center of handcrafts accommodated in the building of an old jail, and a pier sticking out into the sea. We returned to the ship for lunch and again set out in a shuttle bus to another shopping center, a huge four-storeyed Mercado Central. Everything was found cheap but we didn't like things there except small items.

    We suspected that Fortaleza was called by our ship not because it was an interesting town to visit but primarily because it was located in a convenient point along the itinerary.

    It was a "Casual" evening, and we dined with Herb & Leah again. Both Shig and Sue took chicken but of different cooking.  The after-dinner show was "Fiesta Latina" dance and song show by The Peter Grey Terhune group. We enjoyed what we used to enjoy while young; Tango, Rumba, Mambo etc. We heard "Girl from Ipanema" with special sympathies after we saw many pretty girls there.

 船はFortalezaに7amに到着した。残念ながら雨が降っている。驟雨を別にすればこのクルーズで雨に遭ったのは初めてだ。9amに雨の中をバスツアが出発した。しかしすぐ気付いたのだが、わずか270年前に設立されたこの町には観光資源が無いのだ。強いて言えば、美しい砂浜と、安価な工芸品だけだ。我々はほんの前世紀初めにできた大聖堂と劇場を訪れた。また元刑務所のビルを使った工芸店センタと、海に突き出した桟橋を見学した。よほど観光する場所に事欠いている。一旦船に戻り昼食を済ませてから再び出かけ、シャトルバスで別のショッピングセンタに行った。そこは巨大な4階建てで、中央市場Mercado Centralという。何でも安かったが、小さなものは別としてそこの品物が気に入らなかった。


 今晩は"Casual"だった。一緒に食事したのは、Herb & Leahだった。我々は2人ともチキンを食べたが、違う料理を選んだ。食後のショーはThe Peter Grey Terhuneによる「ラテン祭」という歌と踊りだった。タンゴ、ルンバ、マンボなど我々が若い頃に楽しんだ懐かしいリズムを楽しんだ。Ipanemaで綺麗な若い女性を沢山見てきたばかりなので「Ipanemaの娘」は特別な共感をもって聴いた。

'02/ 4/25 美食    リクエストにお応えし今日のメニュー詳細をご報告する。

'02/ 4/26 Brazil    Brazilは貧富の差、南北格差は大きいが人種差別が無い国だ。

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