March 18, 2002

    This was the day of cruising all the day from Bankok to Singapore. Sue got more accustomed to the ship and got free from concern of motion sickness. On the contrary, Shig got light head ache and diarrhea and stayed quiet all the day. It was reasoned that he got a cold. Even in the evening, we didn't go to the restaurant but took instant noodle. But Shig became better by the evening.

    We have been acquainted with so many people on board that we began to be confused. So Shig listed all acquainted people in Excel and found, to our surprise, we had the list of 52 people. No wonder that we began to be confused.


 船上で多くの人と知り合いになったのはいいが、少し混乱し始めた。ShigよりSueの方が魅力があるのか覚え易いだけなのか知らないが、"Hi, Sue"とよく言われ、相手の名前が出てこない場合がある。仕方なくExcelでリストアップして整理したら、驚いたことに52人のリストが出来上がった。混乱するのも無理は無い。

March 19, 2002

    The ship docked at Singapore near the World Trade Center at noon. The bigger of the two merlions was in front of us. We were to take a 1pm bus tour, but we were surprised to be suddenly called "Matsushita-san" after the immigration gate. Mr. Yamane from Toshiba Singapore kindly came to see us. He looked fine. We promised to see him again at 5pm.

    The bus took us to a boat tour on the Singapore River from Clarke Quay. It was for the first time to see Singapore from the river, especially Merlion, but the tour was not too exciting. We hear that Merlion will be removed from the present site on April 1, in oder to be moved to the real entrance of the expanded Port of Singapore. Therefore, we could take pictures of Merlion from the best position before it will be moved very soon. We walked along the river for a while. Then we went to Waterloo Street to watch China Town including Hindu and Chinese temples there. Impressing was earnestness of people praying in the Chinese Temple. We were taken to National Museum. Jade art collection there was worth while to look at. We stopped at the entrance of Raffles Hotel just to watch and take pictures.

    As we returned to the World Trade Center, Mr. Yamane was waiting there to see us. We went to Toshiba Singapore TV factory where projection TVs were in production. Shig was interested, of course, but Sue was also very much interested to see a factory of any kind for the first time. Mr. Yamane kindly found Citibank for us to do something. Then Mr. Yamane took us to Fort Cannings, a little fortified hill where fierce battles were fought between powers including Japanese army. We were impressed by centuries old big trees there. We had dinner together at an ex-nunnery square in a Chinese restaurant, called Lei Garden. Everything was delicious but the price was in the Tokyo level. We drove up to Mount Faber to look over Sentosa Island and a part of our ship before returning to the ship. We had an enjoyable evening thanks to Mr. Yamane.

 船は正午にSingaporeの西の方のSentosa島に近いWorld Trade Centerの埠頭に接岸した。Singaporeの2つのMerlionのうちの大きい方が目の前だ。1pmのバスツアに乗るつもりだった我々は、入国管理のゲートを出た途端に「松下さん」と声をかけられてびっくりした。東芝シンガポール社の山根泰宇氏が有難いことに出迎えてくれた。お元気そうだった。5pmに同じ場所でお会いすることを約束して別れる。emailで日程はお知らせしてあったが、お迎えを頂くとは予想外の歓迎であった。

 バスツアはまずSingapore川のClarke Quayから出るボート観光から始まった。Singaporeを川から見るのは初めてで、特にMerlionは良い角度から眺められたが、特にエキサイティングとは言えなかった。Singaporeに海から来る人を迎えるMerlionは、橋が出来て港の入口ではなくなったため、4月1日に撤去されて広義の港の入口に移動するという。歴史的場所にあるMerlionの最後の姿を良い角度からカメラに収めた。皆で川辺の商店街を少し散歩した。バスでWaterloo街の中華街に行き、ヒンズー寺院、中国寺院を含めて見学した。中国寺院では人々が本当に熱心にお祈りしている姿に感心した。それから国立博物館に行った。翡翠の彫刻のコレクションは見ものだった。伝統のRaffles Hotelの入口に止まって、写真を撮った。

 World Trade Centerに戻ったら山根氏が待っていてくれて、東芝シンガポール社の工場を見学させて頂いた。投影型のテレビを生産している。重悳には勿論興味深いことだったが、どんな工場であれ工場というものを初めて見たスミヱにとっても面白かった。山根氏にCitibankの住所を探して頂き、若干の手続きした。それからFort Canningsという丘に行った。日本軍を含む幾つかの軍が互いに戦った歴史を持つ要塞だそうだ。何百年もの大木が沢山あって印象的だった。夕食は元修道院だったという建物にあるLei Gardenという中華料理店に行った。驚いたことに船から来た人が他に2つのテーブルを占めていた。料理は全て美味しかったが、値段も東京並みだった。Suntec Cityのショッピング街を散歩してから、Mount Faberに上がりSentosa島と我々の船の一部を眺めて船に戻った。山根氏のお陰で有効に楽しく過ごせた半日だった。

March 20, 2002

    Shig was fine except that diarrhea still persisited. Thus Shig went to the clinic in the ship. Shig found it not easy to communicate symptoms in medical English terms and found it more convenient to write down a one-page report what had happened so far. In the rreport, medicines Shig took so far were referred to as A, B, C etc with brief explanations. The doctor read through the report carefully and asked about the medicines. Shig brought out those medicines out of the pockets and requested the doctor to guess what they were. He sniffed "Seiro Gan" and seemed to understand what it was like. He instructed to continue to take pills for a cold and gave some pills of binding medicine. He told not to take lunch and take light non-oily dinner only if diarrhea went away by then. So Shig asked, "What should I do with dinner if diarrhea should persist ?" Doctor simply said, "Forget about dinner then." Shig said, "You are not very kind !"

    Skipping lunch was no problem for Shig because this was the cruise-only day. But Shig took Sue to the buffet lunch restaurant and explained to the waiter there, "One plate for two". Actually Shig took only tea. The dinner could not be this way. So Shig asked an acquaintance, actually a gentleman next door, who happened to be using emails next to Shig, to take Sue to the dinner in the evening. He responded, "Certainly, with pleasure". This had solved a problem. In the late afternoon, Shig felt symptoms of running out of energy, and became very uneasy about watching chocolates in front of him. When the neighboring couple kindly came to pick Sue up, Shig saw Sue off by saying, "Thank you very much for taking care of this lonely girl." Sue came back saying she had a very enjoyable dinner. Since Shig didn't have diarrhea any more, Shig took instant noodles in the room. Just one pill of binding medicine and patience to skip lunch solved everything.

    There was an announcment that the ship would not stop by at Madagascar because of political turmoil there. It is sad, but it must be much better than getting a trouble.   

 重悳の体調は回復したが下痢は続いたので、心配になって船内の医務室に行った。「熱は無い」「腸が痛む訳ではない」「胃腸薬を飲んだ」「頭痛は睡眠不足かも」などと英語で言うのは大変だし、数日の経過を正確に説明するにはレポートを書いた方が早いと思って、1頁書いて持っていった。飲んだ薬はA, B, C のように参照して簡単な説明をつけた。先生はレポートを注意深く読んで、飲んだ薬について尋ねた。薬はみな持って行っていたのでそれらを取り出し、推測して下さいとお願いした。商品名が英語で書いてある薬については先生のパンフで調べたが勿論無かった。先生は正露丸を嗅ぎ、これはどんなものか推測できたようだった。風邪薬は続けるように言って、新たに下痢止めの薬を呉れた。昼食は抜いて、夕食は下痢が止まれば油気のないものを少量採るように指示した。だから重悳は尋ねた。「じゃ下痢が止まらなかったら夕食はどうすればいいんですか?」先生はいとも簡単に「Forget about dinner then」と言ったので、「先生はあまりご親切じゃないですね」と応じた。

 一日中航海の日だから昼食抜きは重悳にとってあまり問題ではなかった。しかし重悳はスミヱをバイキングの昼食に連れて行き、"One plate for two"とウェイタに説明し、実は紅茶だけ飲んで帰った。夕食はこうはいかない。メニューに無い特別注文をしたとしても周囲が幾皿も食べる間に一皿では気まずかろう。さりとて一人だけ又は二人だけの夕食も異状だ。そこで偶々emailを並んで使っていた知り合い、実はお隣さんに、夕食にスミヱを連れて行ってくれと頼んだら「いいですとも。喜んで」と言われた。これで一件落着。午後後半になると重悳にエネルギー切れの兆しが見えてきて、目の前のチョコレートが気になり始めた。お隣のご夫妻がお親切にスミヱを迎えに来てくれた時重悳は"Thank you very much for taking care of this lonely girl."と言って送り出した。スミヱはとても楽しい夕食だったと嬉々として帰ってきた。重悳の下痢は朝から無いので、インスタント麺を部屋で食べた。結局下痢止め1錠と昼飯抜きの我慢で全てが解決した。もっと早く医務室に行けばよかったのかも知れない。


'02/ 3/18 Angkor Wat    世界遺産Angkorの古都を訪れ、歴史を学んだ。

'02/ 3/20 Vanity    船内は歳は歳なりの美男美女が多くVanityの世界。

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